King's Business - 1954-05


The Longest Aisle " I# it W o r t h the P r i c e ? " It was a long aisle. It led not only from my seat to the front of the church, but it led from Judaism to Christianity, over the campus of a university, by way of the American Messianic Fellowship. At the university my questions as to what life is had not been answered. I had not found satisfaction in the world, and I longed for peace and joy. Attending a lecture on Palestine at the Jewish People’s Institute, I met a young man, who I learned later had been saved only a week before. He asked me, just as an experiment, to meet him the next Sunday afternoon at 816 Independence Blvd.; but he did not tell me it was a mission. I was there. Sunday after Sunday I was present, and I argued with every­ one who would listen before and after the “ Home Hour Fellowship,” but there was one thing I could not under­ stand, and that was the peace and joy that was evident in the testimonies of Christians, both Jewish and Gentile. They were happy, and I became envious of them. My heart began to respond, but my intellect was rebelling. One Sunday afternoon, Mr. Constable of the Moody Bible Institute was the , speaker at the Fellowship. Through him the Lord not only spoke to my heart but showed me that faith could also satisfy the intellect. And so I went to church, prepared to accept Jesus as my Messiah and Sav­ iour, not publicly, but as a silent be­ liever, as many of us Jewish people do. We remain silent because the cost of salvation is very high if one is a Jew. He -sometimes loses all his friends, his family, and his business; and the ques­ tion is always: "Is what you are buying worth the price?” I rejoice that I came to Jesus, and no longer do I want to keep silent, for I have found in Him joy and peace. I no longer fear death, and not fearing death, I do not fear life. And so I now acknowledge that I am a true believer. Condensed from a testimony stenographically reported at the 66th Anniversary Meeting of the American Messianic Fellowship, October 29th, 1953 at the Cicero Bible Church. Send for 96-page handbook, chock full of aids for "Witnessing to Jews," cloth- bound at $ 1 . For free sample of A.M.F. Monthly magazine, and samples of specially pre­ pared tracts write today to Milton B. Lindberg, Gen. Director Dept. KB m eA ica/E - fMESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission 818 Independence Blvd., Chicago 24, III.

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A monthly column of names in the news.

Dr. Bob Pierce, globe-trotting mis­ sionary ambassador (World Vision, This Gathering Storm), a fortnight ago underwent a major liver opera­ tion as a result of amoebic infection picked up on his latest trip to Korea. Pierce, who has offices in Portland, Ore., Brantford, Ontario and Holly­ wood, was forced to cancel his ap­ pearance at a mass meeting in Los Angeles a few days before the opera­ tion. At the meeting was Chaplain Harold Voelkel and Dr. You Chan Yang, Korean Ambassador to America who flew in from Washington, D.C. Dr. Yang expressed th e ' thanks of his Korean people for the money Ameri­ cans had given through the Pierce organization for Korean orphan work. Pierce is reported to be turning over $10,000 to Chaplain Voelkel for his prisoner of war seminary work in Korea. Another globe-trotting missionary ambassador this month was winding up an around-the-world tour of mis­ sion stations. He is Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. For a first-hand pic­ torial report see pages 30, 31. Billy Graham's London crusade was still feeling the blessing of God this month. At the close of the fourth week, representing 24 days of meetings, the total attendance at Harringay was 386,900. This figure did not take into account the additional thousands who have been reached in special meet­ ings during each day, conducted by team members in centers throughout the greater London area. During the four weeks at Harringay, 8,880 per­ sons have recorded their decisions for Christ and have been enrolled in the follow-up plan of the crusade. Writing in Look magazine recently Dr. John Sutherland Bonnell noted that Presbyterians did not believe in the bodily resurrection, they did not be­ lieve in a material heaven or hell, they did not believe in the verbal in­ spiration of the Scripture and they did not take the account of the virgin birth as always having a physical meaning. For more on Bonnell’s out­ spoken assertions see page 11.


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