King's Business - 1954-05

Dy Doris Coffin Aldrich , Diola 930 Illustrator: Violet Lanquist

T igger sat on the doorstep and looked all around. It was a rainy day, a drippy day, a sort of fog- out-in-the-orchard day. Tigger wished that the family would get up. “ It is late enough,” he thought. “ Late enough for a wet, shivery kitten to have his breakfast.” He knew that he would have some­ thing, for didn’t little Bobby-girl al­ ways run to the kitchen calling, “ Come Tig, come and get some of

snapping in the fireplace. The house was nice and warm. Bobbie and Taddie brought their clothes down by the fire and raced to see who could get dressed first. Up at the barn the calves bawled and the black horse whinnied for grain. The white ducks quacked as they poked around by the waterbarrel, hoping to find a bit of something. The banty rooster on the corral fence threw back his head and crowed. John and Joe would soon be up to feed them. Mommie hurried around the kitch­ en getting breakfast. The shiny tea­ kettle whistled, “ Time to make the oatmeal mush!” The big, black fry­ ing-pan was ready for the slices, of bacon. Mommie skimmed the cream from the gallon jar and poured it into the fat green pitcher. “ Put this on, Virginia— and get out the toaster.” “Meow!” said Tigger. “ Please some­ body remember me. I’m hungry, too.” And Bobbie ran to get his can of cat food. He rubbed himself against her legs, purring like a little motor. Bobbie put his dish of food by the stove and soon it was all gone. Care­ fully he licked his small soft paws before curling up on the hearth rug. “ Just a little round puddle of cat. That’s all he is,” remarked Mommie, coming in from the kitchen. And then they were seated around the table, Daddy, Mommie, and the nine children. “ Shall we pray?” asked Daddy, and he began: “ Our dear Fill the following blanks with the names of flowers or plants mentioned in the Bible: 1. “And, behold, the rod of Aaron . . . was budded, and brought forth ...................., and bloom ed ...................., and yielded almonds” (Num. 17:8). 2. “ And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider ¿he .................... of the field” (Matt. 6:28). 3. “And the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the ......................... ” (Isa. 35:1).

Father, we thank thee for thy tender, loving care. We thank thee that every night there is rest and every

day there is food and shelter for us. We thank thee that there is always Someone who knows that we need rest and food: that “ Someone” is our dear heavenly Father.” Tigger purred softly; he had been fed. The calves, the cows, the horse and the ducks were busily eating their breakfast. The children hurried with their mush so that they could have bacon and toast. Yes, everyone was being fed. Our loving heavenly Father cares for us. He makes the sun to shine, the grain to grow. He helps Daddy and Mommie take care of the chil­ dren. And the children take care of little Tigger kitten. “We thank thee, Father, for loving us and for taking care of us every day. We thank thee for our food and for our clothes and for our home. We thank Thee for Daddy and Mom­ mie. Amen.” 4. “ T h e ......................appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come” (Song of Solomon 2:- 12 ). 5. “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the ........................” (Song of Solomon 2:15). 6. “ Instead of the thorn shall come up th e ..... ..................tree, and instead of the brier shall come up t h e ........... .... ;..........tree” (Isa. 55:13). 7. “ Thy plants are an orchard of ” (Song of Solomon 4:13).

your fishy old cat food” ? Just think­ ing of it made him hungry. “Why don’t they get up!” Bobbie, the just-barely-four-year- old, opened her eyes pop-wide open and peeked out through the bars of her crib. It was daylight and so it must be time to get up. Over the side of the crib she climbed and tippy-toed to Mommie’s and Daddy’s bed. In she crawled and snuggled down, warm and cuddly. Daddy opened one eye and looked at the clock. “ Oh Bobbie girl, it’s only half past five. That’s too early to get up.” “ But I’m hungry; I really am. I’m starving hungry. Get up,” she replied, pushing her chubby hands against Daddy’s shoulder. “ All right, all right,” said Daddy, shutting off the alarm clock which was just about to ring anyway. “ I guess when girlies are hungry, they are hungry.” And he got up out of bed. Soon the furnace was on and a fire

Bible Flowers



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