King's Business - 1954-05

These Would Have Perished A Life and a Soul were saved for God when these Korean War orphans were "adopted" by you, through World Vision Inc. Hundreds more are crying for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, today! For further information write DR. FRANK C. PHILLIPS, Secretary Post Office Box 151 PORTLAND 7, OREGON WORLD VISION inc . Mailing Address For CANADA— BOX-294 • BRANTFORD, ONTARIO

Associate Professor of Christian Education, Biola Bible College The One-Bollar Bill I have before me a one-dollar bill. Have you ever examined one carefully? There is no danger of my not recognizing it as a one-dollar bill, for it has “ one” on it, in some form, twenty-five times! To those who handle it or see it, the hill is really saying, twenty-five times, “ I am a one- dollar bill” ! It seems eager to let it be known that it is a one-dollar bill . This small, green piece of paper is real­ ly sending out a challenge to those of us who know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour —telling us that we should let it be known that we belong to Him. The bill makes no secret of the fact that it is a one-dollar bill, does it? W hy should we ever try to hide the fact that we belong to the Lord Jesus, and that He is our Sav­ iour? God’s Word says much about confessing Him “ before men!’ and “ with the mouth.” Read from your Bibles Romans 10:9, 10 and Matthew 10:32. Do you see what the word “ confess” means here? Yes, it is very important to tell others that we are Christians and that the Lord Jesus died for us. And God is telling us that we should do this wherever there is an opportunity. I once knew a little girl who was so happy when she received the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, that she felt she had to share the good news with her playmates. She went to school the next day and an­ nounced to all of her friends, “ I have given my heart to Jesus.” Her name was Jewel— and how glad she was to become one of Jesus’ precious jewels! There are other ways, too, to let it be known that we belong to the Lord Jesus. Did you ever hear your mother say, “ Ac­ tions speak louder than words” ? Surely you have! God’s Word says that we are to be “ doers” of the Word as well as “ hearers.” It is by the things that we do, and the words that we speak, that we should let others know that we belong to Jesus. Some boys and girls say with their lips they are Christians, but they fail to act very much like Christians. God sees the heart, you know, but peo­ ple see only our outward appearance. How important it is, then, to let others know by all that we do that the Lord Jesus is our Saviour! There is a verse in Colossians 3:17 which says: “Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” What an excellent motto for all of us!

All you need to know about VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL

The most complete book on how to organize, publicize and operate a Vacation Bible School. Search the libraries, prowl through the book stores, rum­ mage into every nook and corner—and we challenge you to find anywhere a more valu­ able book on Vacation Bible School than this . . . It’s crammed with all the informa­ tion you need to know about Vacation Bible School . . . solid, down to earth how-to- do-it information on running a Vacation Bible School — from the opening publicity, gun to the closing demonstra­ tion program.

Here are the contents of this amazing book on VBS—beautifully illustrated

Section I Importance of VBS in the total church program Values of VBS ministry How to finance your VBS Abridged directory of successful Bible schools Section II Selecting your VBS staff Organizational chart of personnel

Section III Complete description of ALL-BIBLE VACATION SCHOOL materials: Nursery through Adult Worship service suggestions Salute to flag and Bible How to adapt materials to teaching situation Preparing handwork Section IV Comprehensive demonstration program with which to climax your VBS Following up VBS for Sunday School Tips on discipline

Recommended calendar of events in preparation for VBS. Handy check list for selecting curriculum Planning publicity and promotion Dedication service for workers Visitation program suggestions Teacher’s chart of pupil’s characteristics '

KBS-54 □Yes, I want the free copy of the 1954 DVB& Guidebook for Teachers and Directors, "God’s Wonders.” Please send immediately. □Enclosed please find $3.25 for which send me your complete Introductory Packet of 1954 VBS materials. N AM E ........................................................................ ADDRESS...................................,.............................. CITY........ ...................ZONE....... STATE......,...*.,. Scripture Press, 434 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago 5,

Complete Introductory Packet Handy preview of the com­ plete 1954 Scripture Press VBS Course. Contains Teachers’ Manuals and Pupils’ Workbooks for each of five departments. In addition, Nursery and P e- ginner Handwork Packets and a copy of “ God’s Wonders.’’ (Cash value $3.50)

O rd er From You r Local Dealer or SCRIPTURE PRESS, 434 South Wabash, Chicago 5, Illinois


MAY 1954

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