King's Business - 1954-05

1954 SUMMER B IB LE AND M IS S IO N A R Y CONFERENCES Lambert, Mont..................June 20-27 Arlington, Texas ............June 25-July 4 Suncrest, Pa........................ June 25-July 4 Camp Seeley, near Crestline, C a lif...............June 26-July 3 Delta Lake, near Rome, New York ........July 1-11 Hendersonville, N.C. ..Ju ly 2- 9 Camp Hebron, Attleboro, Mass............. July 2-*l 1 M ill City, Pa.........................July 2-1 1 Medicine Lake, Minneapolis, Minn. ..Ju ly 5-1 1 Canby, Oregon ..................July 8-18 Glen Rocks, Rosseau, Ontario ........ July 10-Aug. 20 Toccoa Falls, Ga............... July 12-18 Dickey Lake, Mont......... July 12-16 Mahaffey, Pa.......................July 16-25 Alliance Redwoods, C al.Ju ly 17-25 Beulah Beach, Ohio ___ luly 24-Aug. 8 Edinboro, Pa......................July 30-Aug. 8 Old Orchard, Me...............Aug. 2- 8 Summit Grove, New Freedom, Pa. ..Aug. 6-15 Arnold's Park, Iowa ....A ug , 6-15 Des Plaines, III..................Aug. 8-15 Springtown, Pa..................Aug. 27-Sept. 6 260 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y., Dept. K “America's Most Scenic Conference Center” t For Information Write: THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE C o n fe re n c e s for Adults and families. Camps for Young People and children. HUME LAKE BIBLE CONFERENCE You'll enjoy spiritual and physical blessings at this Christian Summer Camp overlooking theworld famous Kings Canyon. Noted speak­ ers, gifted musicians and artists. Decide now! SEASON — May 28-Sept. 12 Write for full information today * WALTER A. WARKENTIN, Director Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii Bible-conference plus a vacation. See inside front cover. JACK AND J I I A CAM P CEDAR SPRINGS, MICHIGAN announces THE SIXTH ANNUAL CHRISTIAN WORKERS CONFERENCE to be held JULY 26 to JULY 31, 1954 Enjoy the Conference with mother Do not keep her home Only $10 — 4 days, 5 nights, 14 meals! Prepare to come with your children W atch for announcements of arrangements Playground and Swimming Supervised Enjoy relaxation in a restful atmosphere Plans are under w ay for improvements in outdoor places of relaxation No Dishes to Wash — No Meal to Prepare! Receive fresh spiritual inspiration and stimu­ lus. T ake new m aterials and ideas .home with you. M ake new backgrounds — Song books, object lessons. Enjoy m inistry from Miss Bessie Traber and Miss Janice Jordan of the Bible Club Movement. W atch for bulletin giving further Inform ation. O TH ER C A PA B LE WO RKERS COM ING PLAN TO ATTEND — DO NOT MISS IT Near the World's Largest Trees and Sequoia and Kings C an yo n National Parks.

C O N F E R E N C E continued 29. For information write Everett S. Graf- fam, Managing Director, Providence Sum­ mer Bible Conference, Primrose H ill, Barrington, R .l. Sandy Cove — situated on a bluff, over­ looking Chesapeake Bay, on historic east­ ern shore of Maryland four miles below North East. Main building is a spacious lodge. Dates May 29-Sept. 6. For in­ formation write Pastor George A . Palmer, P.O. Box 3, Philadelphia 5, Pa. Stony Brook Conferences — Dates July 2- Aug. 22. For information write James E. H ill, Stony Brook, Long Island, N .Y. Tri-State Bible Conference — conducted by the Eastern conference of the Bible Protest­ ant Church, Inc. Located high above the Delaware River adjacent to tri-state stone where New York, New Jersey and Penn, meet. Many scenic trips are enjoyed in adjoining country. Hotel type accommo­ dations. Dates May 29-Sept. 6. For in­ formation write Tri-State Bible Conference, R.R. 1, Port Jervis, N .Y.

CAMP BETHEL BIG HORN MOUNTAINS, WYOMING Tenth Anniversary Year IN TERM ED IATE CAMP .. July 19-25 JUN IOR G IRLS ..................... July 26-31 JUN IOR BOYS .............. July 31-Aug. 5 FAMILY BIBLE CONFERENCE .................. Aug. 9-15 YOUTH W EEK ..................... Aug. 16-22 — W rite — REV. A. W. ALLEN President Powell, Wyoming

This year combine your vacation with a Christian conference.

Pioneer Camps of Canada (Sponsored by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.) Camps for boys and girls, ages 7 to 18, in Ontario, M anitoba, and Alberta. A ll Counsellors of University standard, and keen Christians. Program varies in different camps, but includes Sailing, Canoe Trips, Aquaplaning, W ater Ski­ ing, Swimming, Crafts and Hobbies. Write for further particulars: PIONEER CAMPS 30 St. Mary Street Toronto, Canada

F o r a Vacation

with a P u rp o se Plan now to attend a Bible Conference in .the Laguna Mountains near San Diego. Physically relaxing ,— SPIR­ IT U A L L Y IN VIGO RATIN G . W rite to: Pine Valley Bible Conference Assn. Box 48 Pine Valley, California

Victory Circle, Mt. Hermon, Calif. SOUTH Ben Lippen — In the land of the sky, In the refreshing mountain climate of west­ ern No. Carolina. Season— June 12-23. Ministers and wives half-price for any one conference. For reservations write Colum­ bia Bible College, Columbia, S.C. (before June 1); Ben Lippen Conference, Route 4, Asheville, N.C. (after June 1). Great Smoky Mountains Bible Conferences — Bryson City, N.C. On the southern bor­ der of the Great Smoky Mountains Na­ tional Park. Located on Highway 19, 60 miles west of Asheville. Three-day con­ ferences are held each month, Sept, through May, on the 2nd weekend. Eight day conferences June-Aug. Sponsored by Southern Bible Testimony, Inc. For in­ formation write J . B. Marchbanks, P.O. Box 267, Bryson City, N.C. Park of the Palms — Set like a hub in a wheel at the junction of Florida highways 21 and 100. 56 miles east of St. Augus­ tine, the oldest city in the U.S. Confer­ ence season Jan.-March. A fter May 1 at twin conference at Camp-of-the-Woods, N .Y. until Oct. Park-of-the-Palms boasts well-kept grounds sloping toward beautiful Lake-of-Bays. For information write Park- of-the-Palms, Keystone Heights, Fla. CANADA Pioneer Camp — Situated on Clearwater Lake In the Lake of Bays district, 135 miles north of Toronto. 600 acres of northern woodland. For junior and inter­ mediate boys and girls. Dates June 30- Aug. 12. For information write Camp Secretary, 30 St. Mary St., Toronto 5, Ont. END.

F R E E CHORUS J oin th e C horus of th e M o n t h C l u b . Write . . .

SUNSH INE GOSPEU M ISS IO N 604 N. Clark St. Dept. K Chicago 10, III. O ffer for U.S.A. and Canada only

Complete Bible Coverage with "ATTENTION GETTER" Story-O-Graphs Story-O-Graph Bible characters have, w ith­ out doubt, the BEST q uality in COLOR, realistic lifelike DRAW INGS, and the LARGE SIZE most in demand of all flannelgraph figures on thè m arket today. STORY-O-GRAPH CUTOUTS are the per­ fect tools to m ake your talks dynam ic and remembered. No tnum btacking or pin­ ning, just move characters from place to place on colorful oil painted flannel back­ grounds as your story unfolds. YOUR CHOICE OF 40 stories of the OLD TESTAMENT 36 stories of the GOSPEL 10 stories of the ACTS 2 stories on MISSIONARIES More than 1,000 Bible characters 13 colorful hand painted BACKGROUNDS VIS-U-FO LD . . . Alum inum Telescopic Tripod, fabric board folds into compact roll. DON'T be satisfied with im itations. GET TH E O R IG IN A LS.- Write for FREE folder and price list STORY - O - GRAPHS P.O. Box 145M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Cal.



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