King's Business - 1954-05

our study today? Make a list of these people. W e will seek to discover some­ thing about each one from the Gospels. 2. What do we learn about Lazarus in John 11:1-5, 11? 3. What important truth about sickness does this fact teach? Do we not learn that sickness is not always a sign of God’s disfavor? 4. What are some of the reasons why God permits His people to be sick and suffer? (cp. v. 4; Rom. 8:16-18; 1 Peter 1:6, 7; Heb. 12:11; James 1:3, 4, etc.) ■ 5. What symbol does our Lord use of death? (v. 11). Does this apply to the body or to the soul? How do we know that the soul does not sleep at death? (cp. Luke 23:43, 44; Acts 7:59; 2 Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:21-24.) 6. What does the miracle' of the raising of Lazarus from the dead indicate about Jesus Christ? What does it teach about the coming resurrection of the body? 7. What was the effect of this miracle? (Mk. 15:45, 47.) 8. What do we learn about Martha and Mary from John 11:20? Note the difference in the character-type of these two women. 9. Why do you think Mary “ sat still in the house” even though she knew Jesus was coming? (cp. w . 28, 29.) 10. How do w . 21, 22 show a beautiful faith on the part of Martha? 11. What incident indicates the wonder­ ful sympathy of our Lord? (w . 32-37.) 12. What kind of a woman was it who anointed our Lord in Luke 7:37? What does this teach us about the Saviour and His Gospel? (cp. John 3:16; 1 Tim. 1:15, etc.) 13. What do the actions of Mary indi­ cate about her attitude toward sin and the Saviour? (v. 38.) 14. What was the feeling of the self- righteous Pharisees concerning this re­ pentant woman? (v. 39.) Did this atti­ tude please the Lord Jesus? (cp. w . 41-50.) 15. What is the central truth of the parable of w . 41-50? 16. In what way did the women men­ tioned in Luke 8:2, 3, minister unto our Lord? Is this an important service do you think? (cp. 2 Cor. 9:6,7; 1 Cor. 16:1, 2; Mai. 3:10,'etc.) June 13, 1954 Little-known Friends of Paul Acts 13:1-5; 27:40-44; 28:7-10; Col. 4:7-14 DAILY READINGS June 7 — ’ Phebe — Rom. 16:1, 2 June 8 — Priscilla and Aquilla -— Acts 18:1-3, 26; Rom. 16:3-5a June 9 — Other Friends at Rome — Rom. 16:5b-16

June 10 —

Friends with Paul at Corinth

— Rom. 16:21-24

June 11 — Clement and Fellow-laborers

-—-Phil. 4:1-3

June 12 — Onesimus

-—-Philemon 10-21

HEART OF THE LESSON As we said in our lesson last Sunday the great work of Christ is carried on in the world today by a vast host of be­ lievers who are little-known. Many of the disciples of Christ in the days of His flesh are unknown to us, but they are certainly known to Him (John 10:14-16). In the same manner many of the friends of Paul—men and women who made it possible for him to fulfill his mighty task for Christ—are comparatively un­ known. The truth is this—it makes little difference whether or not we are known to men as long as we are faithful in the task the Saviour has given us. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Acts 13 gives the account o f the first missionary journey in the history of- the church. It is thus an epochal chap­ ter. What kind of men lived in Antioch and were members of the church there? .(Acts 13:1.) 2. Study the Scriptures that mention Barnabas and list the splendid qualities of this fine Christian (Acts 4:36, 37; 9:26- 29; 11:19-26; 11:27-30). 3. What were these men doing when the Holy Spirit called Barnabas and Saul (Paul) for missionary work? (Acts 13:2.) How can believers “minister unto the Lord” ? 4. Who was it called these men to mis­ sionary service? (v. 2.) What does this teach us about Christian service? 5. What young man accompanied Paul and Barnabas on this first missionary jour­ ney? (v. 5.) 6. Did this young man turn out to be a very good missionary? (v. 13.) Why do you think John Mark turned back and returned home? List the various possible reasons as they are suggested by thè members of your society. 7. Do you think John Mark was justi­ fied in his action? (cp. Acts 15:36-41.) 8. We should be eternally grateful to a Roman soldier—the soldier mentioned in Acts 27:43. Why should we be grate­ ful to him? List some of the tremendous benefits we would have lost had the sol­ diers killed Paul on that ship. 9. What is the name of the pagan healed by Paul on the Island of Melita (by the way this is the same as the Isle of Malta so famous in the last war!)? (Acts 28:7, 8.) 10. What kind things did this man do for Paul? (w . 7, 10.) Why? (w . 8, 9.) 11. What titles does Paul give to Ty- CONTINUED ►

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups By Chester J. Padgett, D.D. Associate Professor of Bible Biola Bible College June 6 , 1954 Little-known Friends of Jesus Jno. 11:1-11; Lk. 7:36-43; 8:1-3 DAILY READINGS May 31 — The True Brethren — Luke 8:19-21 June 1 — A Grateful Samaritan — Luke 17:11-19 June 2 — Friends Loan a Colt — Luke 19:29-38 June 3 — Joseph of Arimathea — Luke 23:50-54 June 4 — The Women at the Tomb — Mark 15:47; 16:1-6 June 5 — Cleopas and His Companion — Luke 24:13-32 HEART OF THE LESSON The great work of extending the influ­ ence of Christ throughout the world rests upon the average believer and not primar­ ily upon the trained or so-called profes­ sional Christian worker. Throughout the Bible you will note that it is Mr. Average Man who really carries the ball for Christ. It is more than mere happen­ stance that three of the twelve apostles are never heard of again in the New Testament after their listing with the twelve (cp. Matt. 11:2-4). What does this teach? It teaches that much of the Saviour’s work is carried on behind stage rather than in the spotlight. Every be­ liever should be content to do his best for Christ with the confidence that at the Judgment Seat (2 Cor. 5:10) Christ will remember every deed performed in His name and for His sake. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. How many people are involved in the Scriptures which form the basis of

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