King's Business - 1954-05

YOUNG PEOPLE continued chicus? (Col. 4:7.) Discuss each of these three titles determining what they mean and how they can be true of each be­ liever today. 12. What does Paul say about Onesi- mus? (v. 9.) What do we know about this man Onesimus? (cp. Philemon.) 13. List the other people mentioned in this chapter and see if you can find out anything about each from this passage or other passages in the New Testament. June 20, 1954 Freedom in Worship John 4:19-26 DAILY READINGS June 14 — A Great Promise from God — Exodus 19:3-6 June 15 — A Captive at Prayer ¡ s D a n . 6 :1 0 , 11 June 16 — Jesus' Mission for Freedom — Luke 4:16-21 June 17 — Praying in Prison — Acts 16:23-26 June 18 — Freedom in Christ — John 8:31-36 June 19 — Invitation to Worship — Psalm 95: I-7a HEART OF THE LESSON We live in a day of great political, social, economic and religious movements throughout the world. In many areas of the earth multitudes of people have little or no freedom. They are under the dictatorship of godless and ruthless men, or, which is equally had, under the do­ minion of a totalitarian church. Both Communism and Catholicism (the Roman Catholic Church) threaten American free­ doms. A ll freedom-loving Americans should be aware of these forces and op­ pose them intelligently. Should either Communism or Catholicism capture Amer­ ica one of the first freedoms to go would be that of freedom of worship. Witness the persecutions of Protestants in Roman Catholic as well as Communist-dominated lands, viz., Russia, China, Poland, etc., under Communism, and Italy, Portugal, Spain, Colombia, etc., under the Roman Catholic Church. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. With what personality does our Sav­ iour deal in John 4? 2. Why do you think the Lord Jesus deliberately chose to go through Samaria? (v. 4.) 3. What was unusual in our Saviour’s request of the woman? (w . 7-9.) 4. Why is it that so many people, like the woman at the well, do not ask of our Lord for the living water of salvation? (v. 10.) 5. How does the woman display her spiritual ignorance? (vv. 11, 12.) 6. What does Christ mean when He says that the man who drinks of His water will never thirst again? (v. 14.) Are you fully satisfied with the Lord Jesus Christ? 7. What must the woman do before our Lord could give her living water? (w . 15-19.) 8. How did the woman try to change the subject when Christ got close to her



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