King's Business - 1954-05

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued is well pleased with every habit and every desire which makes your mind and -your body a clean, holy place in which He may live. June 20, 1954 Hosea Pleads Hosea prophesied at a time of great spiritual declension in the Northern King­ dom. No prophet was more a part of his message than this prophet. His unhappy domestic life with his unfaithful wife, Gomer, was not only a preparation for his ministry, hut a parable to the nation of its spiritual adultery in forsaking Jehovah and resorting to the worship of false gods. Hosea loved his wife in spite of her sin and was willing to take her back to himself as the wife of his love. How like Jehovah! He loved Israel but Israel turned away from Him into awful sin. But Jehovah loved Israel still and sought to bring her back to Himself. The Voice of Israel vv. 1-3 Israel seems to he pleading with herself to return unto the Lord. There is the recognition that their present depressed plight is a disciplinary measure on the part of the Lord. But they also realize that the Lord will heal them if they will hut submit to His gracious ministry. Quite likely there is reference here to the future repentance of the1remnant of Israel dur­ ing the great tribulation. “ They have been dead spiritually and nationally, hut when the two days of their blindness and dis­ persion are over, there is coming for them the third day of life and resurrection” (Gaehelein). Then there will be blessed days for Israel when Messiah blesses them like the early and latter rain blesses the parched land of Palestine. However, there is a present application to be made from this passage for it is always true that when men turn to the Lord blessing follows. The Response of Jehovah vv. 4-11 In this section Jehovah responds to the voice of Israel by asking the question, “What shall I do unto thee?” In His appeal He refers both to Israel and Judah. Any goodness they manifest is so fleeting (v. 4). It is like a passing cloud or the vanishing dew. Because of this the proph­ ets have been authorized to speak against them (v. 5). What the Lord desired was piety of life rather than a lot of meaning­ less sacrifices (v. 6-cp. 1 Sam. 15:22). But instead of piety of life those to whom the Lord spoke had wrought nothing but wickedness. Even the priests who were the religious leaders of the people were guilty of murder (v. 9). A stream can rise no higher than its source. So not much can he expected of a people when its spiritual leaders are degraded. Ephraim was guilty of idolatry (v. 10) and as a result Judah is in danger of a harvest of judgment if she follows the example of the Northern Kingdom (v. 11). Sin has far-reaching influences upon others. With Israel Hosea, Chapter 6 Pointers on the Lesson

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