King's Business - 1954-05

HOW TO M AK E YOUR DOLLARS GO TW ICE A S FAR Invest them in American Bible Society Annuity Agreements, where they lead a double life of good:


Sirs: When I received the April issue I turned to page 45 and to my horror, found that two beautiful Christian poems were there, written as if by me! They certainly are not mine. I have used them, from time to time, in different Bible lessons here in San Francisco, but never once have I claimed them, or attempted to do sc. Yours, in a good deal of embarrass­ ment over the mistake in the maga­ zine . . . but with best wishes. San Francisco, Calif. Maria B. MacDonald Sirs: I noticed the poems in the April issue and to my surprise found that one of them was written by me. It is “ Gardens” from my book Wings and Sky. Wilmington, Calif. Martha Snell Nicholson W e’d like to blame it on spring fever or something . . . but we can’t! W e just made a mistake.- — ED. READS 1921 COPY Sirs: A good many years ago a Christian friend gave me several of your books called the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . I am won­ dering if it is still published. I am addressing this to the address given in the May 1921 issue. I want to be a subscriber. Williamsport, Pa. Mrs. A. E. Herriman FROM PUERTO RICO Sirs: The K in g ’ s B u s in e s s ranks first in its kind. Each issue is a “ feast of fat things.” Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Dr. J. F. Rodriguez Defenders Theological Seminary KINSEY AND THE CHRISTIAN Sirs: Please cancel our subscription. The thing that settled forever in my mind that K.B. was not for our family was Dr. Clyde Narramore’s article on the Kinsey report. That was one of the slimiest readings that could be put in a Christian magazine. That title! Santa Barbara, Calif. Christine Brown Maltbie Sirs: I have just read “ Kinsey and the Christian.” Dr. Narramore has done a superb, piece of work in his presen­ tation of the subject. Would it be possible to have several copies of this article for reference purposes for my students in a class in Family Re­

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lations? Bryan Hill Dayton, Tenn.

Joseph T. Raffa

Dean of Men William Jennings Bryan University

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For Dr. Narramore’s monthly ques­ tion & answer column see page 28. —ED.

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