Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Floral Phenology

Overview I included three phenologies in this report. Here is a quick summary: 1. RPBB Morph Phenology 2020-2022 : Located at the top of the RPBB Floral Phenology chart on page 3. We documented 488 RPBBs, including 39 queens/gynes on fowers, 300 worker females, and 149 males. We saw the frst queen April 6, and the last gyne October 14. Peak population was second week of July through second week of August. 2. RPBB Floral Phenology Chart : page 4, shows by week what fowers RPBB used. We documented RPBBs using 43 species, including 28 native, and 15 cultivars or weeds. 3. RPBB Queen Photo Phenology : pages 5-7, photographic foral phenology series of RPBB queens we found on fowers April through October. Conclusions: Recommended RPBB Flowers We have a woodland backyard, and sunnier front yard. We planted fowers based on what species are most used or critical for RPBB: 1. RPBBs need foral resources from the frst week of April though mid October, so we try to provide fowers for the entire season in our yard. A city lot has limited space, even if you convert your lawn to fowers as we have. I recommend planting the listed fowers that we have planted or plan to plant this year. 2. Spring queens and fall gynes are crucial to RPBB survival, and they need fowers in early spring and late fall when few fowers are blooming. RP queens are diffcult to fnd, so observations are limited. • April Queens: We saw all April RPBB queens in our woodland backyard. Woodland fowers and trees are where the early spring queens feed, since there are very few other good fowers. We planted early April blooming Dutchman’s Breeches throughout our backyard. In addition to observing RP queens on them, they are peppered with nectar robbing holes, likely from the short tongued RPBB queens. Next spring we are planting April blooming Spring Beauties, gooseberries and currants, based on recently published bumble bee studies. • May Queens: We see RP queens on Virginia Bluebells and Virginia Waterleaf in our backyard. Last year we planted more Shooting Star and Wood Betony based on

Judy Cardin 12/10/22 2.

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