There has been too little spirituality in our activities. Our bodies have grown while our souls have shrunk. Now, as the clouds darken around us, as a nation and as individuals, our physical sight grows dim and our spiritual vision increases. The people of America must g6 down on their knees and ask for Divine aid. Next Sunday, in all of our churches, of all sects and all denominations, there should be humble, united confession of error, and earnest, honest prayer to the? Creator for mercy and help. We must pray for our country, that it may be exalted in righteousness. We must pray for those who exercise authority that they may be wise and just. We must pray for all our citizens that they may be faithful to duty and obedient to law. We must pray that our land may be a land of-liberty and peace, of .mutual service. We must pray, believing that God hears our voices and supplications, that gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. It is not in the role of the alarmist that the Leader calls upon the people for a revivifying of the spiritual. It is a sane and serious knowledge pf conditions that all who read a newspaper today must admit are not exaggerated, that obliges the Leader to speak with truth and candor. The labor strikes, existing and to come, are not ordinary labor disputes. The world has known nothing like them and their effect upon mankind may plunge the world into horrors that history has never recounted. That is why the Leader is appealing to the clergymen, tO[ all people to whom religion is a reality, to all to whom God is an actuality, to make the coming Lord’s Day a day of appeal for divine aid for a world facing cataclysm. Humanity has failed to preserve humanity. ‘God Help Us’ is our plea. In prayer alone exists hope.
Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. Again in the words of the Psalmist:
‘I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; He that keepeth thee will not slumber’.”
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To urge upon all men everywhere the unfailing value of the Bible. To obtain from individuals in all walks of life testimonials to the signifi cance and influence of the Bible. To obtain these objects, meetings will be occasionally held to claim public at tention to the Holy Scriptures. The culmination of this crusade will be on Bible Sunday, December 5th, 1920, when there will be a great dem onstration for the Bible.
BIBLE YEAR— 1920 Following a plan adopted in Great Britain, and promoted there by a repre sentative interdenominational Commit tee! of which the Lord Bishop of Dur ham is President, the New York Bible Society has launched the movement in this country to make the year 1920 Bible Year. Objects: To claim for the Bible a larger place in our individual and na tional life. To increase public interest in the Bible as God’s revelation to man.
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