Christ as divine does violence to the scientific spirit. He refuses to admit the existence of the sun while it is shin ing in the heavens. I am a Christian, once more, BE CAUSE I AM A MAN whose every need of mind and heart is met in Christ, “ the Son of Man.” His ideal of human greatness attracts me. The worldly ideal is power which masters others. Christ’s ideal is service. “ Whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant, even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to min ister and to give His life a ransom for many.” The climax of this greatness is seen on the cross as the Son of man “ suffered for our sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God,” settling forever the sin question for all who will accept Him as Saviour and Lord. He went home tired and sad, Doubting himself, almost too spent to pray. For all the world, the hope that he had had Ebbed low that autumn day. Words seemed to fail; Many were scornful in the lingering crowd—- Some listened as to a familiar tale, Unmoved; some laughed aloud. He never knew One arrow reached its mark and quivered there, Piercing the brazen armour through and through, Sped by the power of prayer. Such is our lot: The end untraced where myriad feet have trod. And yet that day, although he knew it not, A soul was won to God. —Ambler. THE STREET PREACHER|
own inner consciousness or through the telescope and the microscope, this fur nishes a strong presumption that He will reveal Himself in some other way. I am thus prepared to receive the reve lation of God in a hook, and, though there are difficulties and mysteries which I may not fully understand, I be lieve that the proof in favor of the Bible’s being a revelation from God is so overwhelming that a man who knows the proof cannot reject it without doing violence to his reason. The true ra tionalist is the man who is led by sound reasoning to see that reason, a mere light on the deck," is not sufficient as a guide for the ship. The light on deck serves a useful purpose, but if the pilot would not wreck his vessel he must steer it by the Polar Star of Revelation. I am a Christian, again, BECAUSE I AM A SCIENTIST. I do not mean that I devote all my time to scientific inves tigations, but I believe in the scientific method of “ gaining and verifying knowledge by exact observation and correct thinking.” An ounce of fact is worth a ton of theory. A group of philosophers were debating the question whether a fish introduced into a bucket of water would increase its weight and one of them had proved to his own satis faction that it would not. “ Let us try it,” said Benjamin Franklin. A bucket of water was brought in and weighed. Then a fish was introduced and the weight was increased by the weight of the fish. That settled it. t It is scientific to account for facts with little heed to fads and fancies. And there are two facts which must be accounted for— the Bible and Jesus Christ. The proofs in favor of the Bible as the inspired Word of God and of Jesus Christ as the incarnate God are so abundant and conclusive that any one who knows the proofs and refuses to accept the Bible as inspired and
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