THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S A TESTIMONY Gentlemen: I just want to tell you how thankful I am for your little paper, “ The King’s Business.” I am a young Presbyterian minister of 32 years of age, and or dained into the Gospel ministry April, 1918. I was born in Scotland and came to Canada in 1903, where I entered into home mission work and finally moved to the United States. The struggle to meet the requirements of the Presby tery was not an easy matter for me, al though I am a college graduate. But with all my preparation I have found a great lack of a Bible education. Through personal effort I have made a study of the "Word of God and made it my rule since beginning my work as a pastor to preach nothing but the Word whether it gives offense or not. I find that many who could sit under the or dinary educational preaching cannot sit Under the preaching of the Word. Some have even gone back and walk no more with me. But I find the Lord sends strangers in to hear me. I am . never without a congregation. There is one thing that I find is a sure fulfillment of prophecy which is, that the preacher who is faithful to the Word is perse cuted especially with the outer shell Christians which we find in all churches. Your paper is a great relief to me because it shows the dark side of hu man nature as it really is. I would to God all our ministers would read it and make the Word of God the treasury from whence they would draw their matter for the pulpit instead of taking it from worldly sources, Assuring you that I shall make- the paper known to many brethren, Cordially yours, R. S. QUIGLEY. P. S.: You may give me information about your Bible Study courses by mail.— R. S. Quigley.
266 That head will be found. The East will furnish, him. He will be the man for the hour.- They will elect, him as king supreme. He will be the Eleventh king. Like Nebuchadnezzar he will be “ over* all,” king of kings and lord of lords. He has many marked and striking characteristics. He is as fully de scribed as the Son of God Himself. The Scriptures speak of him at every turn. He has many titles— titles by the scores. He has one striking and political title: “ The Prince that shall come.” DANCING TO THE DEVIL This was actually a large headline in one of the daily newspapers a short time ago, and it is not surprising that even secular journalists are asking such a question, for never has there been such a mad passion for dancing in all parts of the country. How many girls will be morally ruined by it, we dare not think. It is, if possible, even worse in Paris and London. A Press repre sentative writes from Paris: “ Never before has Paris known such luxury and extravagance as exist today. Gorgeous dancing halls have been opened all over the city. Paris' is dancing mad. They dance all the afternoon and most of the night.” HERE’S THE CONDITION The number of girls who have dis appeared or run away from their homes in the United States during the year 1919 will approximate 68,000, according to a statement by the Travelers’ Aid Society. The great increase in run aways and helpless, travelers has thrown a new burden on society, says the statement.
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