B IBLE IN S T IT U T E H A P P E N IN G S I I I !22^ W W W y ?????7 ?W V W ?W W ?y W W y ??,g97W 999W 99y999W 999W W W W W W 9W W W 99W W W 9W W W 9W 999^ W W W Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students
Dr. R. A. Torrey and Dr. A. C. Dixon of the Institute faculty have been tak ing part in the program of the Macon, Ga., Fundamentals Bible Conference. Dr. Dixon will continue for a time with Dr. Riley who is carrying on the series of Bible conferences in large cities throughout the country. Dr. Dixon is still employed by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and is a member of its faculty. Only a portion of his time will be devoted to teaching in the regular course of the Institute, the balance be ing spent in outside Bible conference work. J. P. Glanzer, ’ 18, is assistant pastor of the Mennonite church at Carpenter, S. D. They are building a $28,000 Church. Mr. Glanzer is also supplying the pulpit of the Methodist church there in the absence of a pastor. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Witt, Placerville, Cal., Dec. 30, a daughter, Jewel Lois Witt. A. J. Coffey writes of his ordination to the Baptist ministry at Lewellen, Neb. Mr. Coffey has been the pastor there for several months and has had an excellent work. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kilwinski an nounce the birth of Raymond Charles, on Dec. 22, 1919, weight 8% pounds. The Bible Institute building is being treated to white paint, which will make it one of the most beautiful buildings of Los Angeles.
reau. This has been a department much needed. Mr. Foster hopes to keep in touch with all former students, as well as prospective students. Dr. French E. Oliver, the well known evangelist, is now representing the Bible Institute as a Bible lecturer and evangelist. Evamgelist Wm. P. Nicholson has been in the hospital suffering from an attack of appendicitis, for which an op eration was necessary. Carl T. Carlson, ’ 19, has gone to Nyack Bible School to complete prepa ration for missionary work which he expects to take up. Edward G. Boughton, a student, is pastor of the Baptist church at Re dondo Beach, Cal. He took the work a few months ago, finding it in a sad state. He has just finished a series of evangelistic meetings with Evangelist Frank Miller, and reports 98 conver sions in the two and a half weeks. The church has taken on new life and Mr. Boughton seems to have the hearts of all his people. Dr. H. A. Dowling of the Institute faculty, was united in marriage with Mrs. Etta Barrows Fosdick on Decem ber 23rd, 1919. Their home is at 345 North Mentor Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. H. B. Thomas, of El Paso, Tex., was joined in marriage to Miss Ethel An derson on Thanksgiving Day. A week later Mrs. Thomas was taken severely ill and has been reported in a serious condition. The prayers of those who knew them are asked.
D. L. Foster is with the Bible Insti tute as secretary of the Students Bu
Dr. Torrey in Midst of a Group of Missionaries *at Himeji, Japan.
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