King's Business - 1920-03



consecrated young people. Mr. Saun­ ders in a recent- letter speaks of the hurtful influence being felt in China as the result of propaganda of the Inter Church World Movement, and promises to send us an article bearing on the subject. Harlow W. Parsons and wife re­ joiced in the salvation of one hundred persons in a one-week meeting held at San Diego'", Cal. The Baptist, Presby­ terian, Christian and Methodist churches united. The pastors of the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches were all pastors at the same time in Binghamton, N. Y., Mr. Parsons’ home city. Benj. J. Kimber, ’ 16, is now pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Frederick, Okla. He writes: “ I be­ came religious director of the. city at Nitro, W. Va., under the Y. M. C. A., and later headed the social and wel­ fare work of the same city, I had an opportunity and used it to the best of my ability for Christ. Night after night I handled audiences of two and three thousand and taught the Bible to many hundreds. During this time the Lord gave me the finest girl in Oklahoma, and now He has given us a little one just like her.” Neil J. Barnes is pastor of the Bap­ tist church at Sedro-Woolley, Wash. He writes that his church is being packed to capacity, and he finds that the Word of God is all the drawing card necessary. He is having great times in his weekly prayer services especially and finds the people hungry for spiritual things. Herbert J. Scott of Whitesburg, Ky., "tells of the great blessing that came to his people when W. A. Hillis of the Bible Institute recently-visited him and spoke to several companies of his peo­ ple. Marjorie L. Hanson writes from Andong, Chosen, Korea, asking espe­ cially for prayer for the success of Bible women’s work which is being started in her district. She recently took her first trips into the country to teach the Bible, and although she does not have perfect control of the lan­ guage, God was able to wonderfully bless her messages. E. Hanis wrote recently of his work in Githuma, B. E., Africa, saying^, “ I was out this morning to the villages. Old women, old and young men, chil­ dren—on every side, and all indifferent

T'oio of the first to accept Christ at Margarita, S. A . See account by Mr. Eddings, Page 171, last issue

to the Gospel. Giving out the Word, whether they refuse it or accept it ,is wkat God calls faithfulness. Noah warned the people 120 years, and not a soul turned, but he was faithful— and that is what I want to be.” > i& f jjg TILL THE SUN GOES DOWN No man was ever crushed by the bur­ dens of one day. We can always get along with our heaviest load till the sun goes down; well, that is all we ever have to do. Tomorrow? O, you may have no tomorrow; you may be in heaven. If you are here, God will be here, too, and you will receive new strength for the new day.— J. R. Miller, D.D.

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