1 » Evangelistic Department I liMj IN T E R E S T IN G STO R IE S from R E A L EX P ER IEN C E AS TOLD BY BI BLE I N S T I T U T E W O R K E R S l l l l c yxwTOWTOOTOWqOTOTWOgvTOWOTOOT9999WOTTO9WWW9WW9OT9WWW999WTOW99WW99CT?777??7?77yy?gS222Sgl SPANISH WORK Children’s Hearts Gladdened S UFFER little children to come un to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.” The
Word, that there will be many who will make a decision for the Lord. As we enter upon a new year, we feel encour aged with the prospects that are before us, and only wish that we could be ten instead of one, for the field that is before us is large. To this end, may we not ask your prayers that the Lord shall raise up other helpers to assist in look ing after the neglected places right here at our doors? We have the foreign field among us. There are Spanish missions in some of the larger cities of California, but the bulk of the Mexicans are in the small towns and on ranches and, unless there is some one to go to them, they are never reached with the Gospel. Let' us pray more this year that the Lord Of harvest may thrust forth more labor ers into the fields that are white to the harvest.— Robert H. Bender, Supt. BIOLA HALL A Unique Opportunity A S the result of prayerful searching for some years for a suitable place on Main Street where work for men could he carried on, the Lord has given the Institute a good room in an excellent location on this crowded street. Since the opening of the Hall about two months ago the Lord has manifested His pleasure in the work by giving us a goodly number of souls. A unique feature of this work for men is the out-door service. One of the show windows was moved inward about fifteen -feet making a space in which out-door or street meetings may he held on our own property. We have found from actual experience that meetings may be held continuously from morning until midnight— that at any hour of the day it is possible to gather from ten to two hundred unsaved men to listen to the Gospel for at least ten minutes. Some men will stand an hour and longer listening to the preaching of the Word. While the speaker is presenting the mes sage to the crowd, Christian workers are enabled to mingle among the men, ‘ note those who seem interested and try
past holiday season has meant very much to the children. Just before Christmas we asked Mrs. Horton what could he done for our Mexican chil dren for Christmas. She asked us how many there were. We made a list of about twenty camps reckon ing on three hundred and seventy. Consequently we had that many sacks of candy and two boxes of apples which were donated by one of the students. Beginning with Monday of Christmas week, we went to the different large camps to distribute our packages. To some of the places we invited a young man who had a bugle. When we breached the larger places, he would call assembly and very soon we had all the men, women and children gathered; but before we did any distributing, we sang some Christmas carols and gave a little message on “ The Purpose of Christ’s Coming into the World.” Following that we taught them to sing, “ Jesus loves me,” which all sang quite gladly. Then we gave each of the little ones a sack of candy and an apple. There was great joy among them all and we found that the number was much greater than we had expected; it seemed that they just came out from every nook and corner; so instead of giving to all the camps, we had to cut out about half of them. Perhaps some people may think that this will not amount to much, hut it is a wedge of entrance both to the homes and hearts of the parents with the mes sage of Salvation. Furthermore, He whose we are and whom we serve, has said, “ For who hath despised the day of small things?” and “ A little child ghall lead them.” So we do praise Him for a share of service in the vineyard of the Lord. We are having a splendid hearing among the Mexicans; several are under deep conviction; and we trust, after a little more instruction from the
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