THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S to engage in conversation with them, going into the Hall with those who are especially interested. Many of these men caught “ unawares” are led to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Often one may see a half dozen workers inside the room dealing with as many men per sonally about the Lord, while outside some one is addressing the crowd. A large number of men have also confessed Christ publicly. One evening the speaker noticed a young man in the crowd who seemed very much interested. About an hour later when he gave an opportunity for men to confess Christ, there was no response, and then he asked any man who was interested to step into the Hall where he could talk confidentially about his needs and diffi culties. On entering the room the worker found this young man waiting. He said, “ I am in trouble, I am miser able and unhappy, and you Christian fellows always seem so happy— I want what you have.” He said that he had stopped the night before and listened to the Word for an hour and could not get away from it, but felt compelled to return. It was a real joy to point that man to the Lord Jesus Christ, and hear him pour out his heart to God in prayer. In addition to these out door meetings there is a prayer meeting held every noon, when men come bringing their burdens and problems to the Lord in definite prayer: We have utilized the other show win dow for the purpose of presenting Scripture object lessons of different kinds. These attract considerable at tention and often afford a tactful means of approach to a stranger. about the claims of Christ upon him.—V. V. Mor gan, Supt. Strange Providence of God G OD, in His grace, moves in remark able ways to reach souls with the Gospel. A dear friend of the writer, one who had been faithful in giving the Gospel on the ships before he went to Siberia under the Stars and Stripes, wrote from that far off country to get a Testament and tracts in Russian, Read how he was led after a long time to give the Testament and, under God, to bring the1Gospel story to a peasant family. The story is only begun. We are praying for the largest possible re- SEAMEN’S WORK
277 turns for God, for the Lord's purpose was clearly revealed that He has “ begun a good work,” and will He not finish it? Read this letter carefully and then pray much. Extracts from the letter follow and will speak for themselves “ Just a few words to you from the land beyond the Pacific (Siberia). We are now in the month of May and spring is here. . . . Siberia is not so ugly in the summer time. . . . We soldiers are tak ing practice hikes to keep in trim. You remember the tracts and Testament which you sent a few months ago. Well, I have them all delivered now. Just yesterday the Testament went. I have carried it for some time waiting for the right moment and right place to give it. Yesterday a Corporal Harvey and I took a walk in the afternoon. As we passed by a home, Corporal Harvey said: “ Let us go in here and buy some feath ers for a pillow,” and we did. The Rus sians are, as a rule, very kind and hos pitable and we were asked to sit down and have something to eat, which we accepted. After a short while I spotted one of your tracts on the wall, ‘Is Christ risen?’ Well, of course I knew where it had come from, and told them I had given it to one of the children some time ago. Of course I speak Russian very brokenly, but can nearly always make myself understood. Then I took out your Testament and let them take a look at it. Some of the most important verses I had already marked. The man could read, but the wife could not. The two oldest children could also read. I asked them if they had a Bible in their home and they told me they had none. I noticed they were interested and, there fore, gave them the Testament. They thanked me and asked if I wanted it back after they h'ad read it, but I told them they could keep it. Before I left I asked their address which I enclose.” Did God in His providence not have a purpose in leading His servant in this remarkable way to deliver the Word of God to this peasant family? We expect large things from Him. A supply of Scriptures has gone forth and also the request that other families be invited in to have the Scriptures read to them. We hope fbr good news soon and desire much prayer, so that He may raise up not one or two but perhaps many fam ilies, to, start Gospel work in Siberia in the future, if He tarries. Pray much and cease1not. During one visit to a Japanese tanker an accident befell the worker. During
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