Fundamental Studies for Toung Christians' BY MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY
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a. In omissioq of duty, “ all ■ come sjiort” (Rom. 3: 23); none “ do' good” (Rom. 3:12). b. In transgressing (Rom. 3:10-18). They sin
Man. 1. The Original Man.
1. His Nature, Eccl. 7:29. He was made in the likeness of God, Gen. 1:27. He was ration al, sinless, a free moral agent capable of and enjoying com munion with his God, Gen. 2: 15, 19, 20. 2. His Fall, Hos. 6:7 (A.R.V.) By disobedience he lost spiritual life, peace and dominion; and became subject to moral cor ruption, trouble, toil and death, Gen. 3:17-19. 3. Its Hereditary Consequences. His whole posterity were involved in ruin, Rom. 5:12-19. 2. The Natural Man, 1 Oor. 2:14, 15. 1. His Nature: A sinner. (1) By Nature:
with their “ throat” , “ tongue” , ‘ ‘ l i p s ’ ’ , “ mouth” , ‘ ‘ f e e t ’ ’ , “ eyes” , “ head” and “ heart” (Isa. .1:5-7).
(3) By Divine Decree.
This fact excludes all excuse or controversy. “ The Scripture hath concluded all under sin” (Gal. 3 :22 ); “ that every mouth might be stopped and all the world become guilty be fore God” (Rom. 3:19). 53:6; 1 Tim. 1:15. A man is “ lost” when he has lost his ' way, home, for tune or .life. Man is lost because he has lost God, Paradise, peace, hope, life, Mark 8:36. (2) He is dead (spiritually), 2. His Condition. (1) He is lost, Luke 19:10; Isa.
He is a born sinner (Ps. 51:5.); “ by nature chil dren (Greek ‘born ones’ ) of wrath” / (Eph. 2:3). There is “ no good” in him (Rom. 7 :18 . He is “ des perately wicked” (Jer. 17: 9). He is essentially God’s enemy (Rom. 8 :7). Sin is the “ law” of his life (Rom. 7:23). He is a wretched and helpless vic tim of sin (Rom. 7:24). Not one is “ righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). His sinful nature is the oc casion of all his sinful acts, and he is therefore more abominable in God’s sight than they.
Gen. 2:17. “ Dead in . . . sins” (Eph. 2:1, 5; Col. 2:13). Putrefaction has set in (Eph. 4:22; Job. 9: 30, 31). a. To death and judgment (Heb. 9:27) ; b. To “ vengeance” , “ punish ment” , “ banishment” , (2 Thess, 1:8, 9 ); c. to resurrection to “ dam-
(3) He is doomed:
(2) By Practice:
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