do not want to listen to one who ram bles on forever. 25. Avoid ' the commonplace. Do and say that which will be unusual, yet avoid the sensational. 26. Humor, if properly used, will attract. Form the habit of laughter and of speaking with a smile. Practice telling your incidents well. A STICK ABLAZE Campbell Morgan tells of an old preacher who has lost the revival fire of his youthful ministry-SS-becoming worldy in his spirit. They called him “ The Old Stick.” People would say, “ Don’t send him here.” One day the superintendent told him that he had no place for him— he must superannuate. When “ The Old Stick” fully realized that he had lost his power, his place in the pastorate, he fell upon his knees and surrendered himself afresh, to God. He received again the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The next time he preached, six people were converted; the fire spread to other charges everywhere he went, the people cried out, “ The Old Sitck’s ablaze.” Then everybody wanted him and he gave fifteen more years of effective service in the Master’s king dom. THE BIBLE IN CHINA The President of China, Hsu Shih Chang, has sent the following message to the American Bible Society: “ The instruction concerning all virtue, as contained in the Holy Scriptures of the religion of Jesus, has truly exerted an unlimited influence for good among all Christian's in China, and has also raised the standard of all my people along lines of true progress. I earnest ly hope that the future benefits derived from the Holy Scriptures will extend to the ends of the earth and transcend the success of the past.”
9. Speak with ease and calmness. In rapid speech, there is no time left for emphasis. 10. Be sure all can hear, but do not waste force. Speak no louder than ab solutely necessary. Give impression of having power in reserve. 11. ' Speak thought-containing words more loudly than the rest. Pause be fore or after such words. Change tone or rate of speaking. 12. Add all words possible to vo cabulary. Study good words. 13. Avoid all slang except when using it for definite effect. 14. Whenever*you use a technical word, explain it at once. 15. Avoid weak expressions that really mean nothing to the hearer. (The house was queer shaped—^the house was octagonal). Be specific. 16. Use imitative, words whenever possible (such as whizz, roar, rumble, growl, crashed). 17. Avoid using the/same words again and again. 18. Avoid overused words (such as very, now, and, so, then, awfully, lis ten, in conclusion, I think, to my mind, fine, great). Give up your pet words. 19. Look into the eyes of those to whom you are speaking—-all, not sim ply those in one section. Let your per sonality meet your hearers. 20. Let the face light up with the changing emotions of what you say. 21. Speak with weight, rather than" glibness. Make everything you say worthy of being heard. 22. Keep good natured in spite of every temptation to give’ way to bad nature. 23. Try to put yourself in the po sition of those to whom you are speak ing,, thus you will know what is passing in their minds. 24. Avoid all non-essential details. Modern life is so complex that people
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