THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S Jews were divided into separate com munities each one preserving the name and characteristics of the Jews of the country whence they came. This pro duced rivalry among the various com munities and greatly hindered any re form. But with the arrival of the Brit ish who brought with them a new spirit of order and unity the Jews were made to realize that the welfare of the city required the immediate closing up of their ranks. Consequently there was formed one communal authority for all the different Jewish congregations. He Has the Vision At a recent Zionist meeting in Lon don a vision of the future Palestine was given by Mr. Herbert Samuel, a prom inent Zionist, in some eloquent pas sages. He said: “ Looking forward, X see the possibilities there in Palestine, some day, of agricultural villages where now there is desert; of fruit orchards, vineyards, and cornfields; of herds of cattle in the lowlands, and flocks of sheep on the hillsides; of land watered by streams that will bring elec tricity to hundreds of industrial enter prises in towns and villages, and pro vide both for the population and a flour ishing export trade. I see industrial districts well planned, with their parks and gardens in the bright atmosphere of a Mediterranean climate, undefiled by smoke. I see the port of Jaffa full and busy with commerce, and Jerusalem an even more spacious and beautiful city. In that environment I see a healthy population, with the natural intelli gence. of the Jewish people, cultivated by a highly developed system of educa tion centering in the University on Mount Scopus, once more able to breed sages and philosophers, scholars and musicians, scientists and dramatists. That is. an ideal worth working for.” THE CHURCH AS IT SHOULD BE The Church is not a hospital for in- curablek, nor a museum for fossils. It
is a nursery where the trees of the Lord’s planting grow up in strength and beauty, a family where the chil dren become strong, stalwart men and graceful women, a school where the scholars become apt in doing the will of God, a workshop where the un skilled apprentice becomes a skilled craftsman, a camp where the raw re cruit becomes a trained and disciplined man of war, and can endure hardship and do exploits. While this work is going on, we have to remember that the Church is composed of imperfect men and women; therefore, do not expect a perfect Church. One day the Church will be complete, perfect, without flaw or de fect, but that will be when the Lord shall come for His own. “ That He might present it unto Himself a glori ous Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5:27). • Meanwhile, let those in the Church seek to help each other to be individually what Christ has designed the Church to be collectively. Exhort one another (with meekness), comfort one another, strengthen one another, rejoicing in each other’s joys and shar ing one another’s sorrows. “ Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6 :2 ).—Rev. Ed ward Last. I ¿14: SPILLING OVER A nurse in one of the great London hospitals complained to Bishop Taylor Smith, Chaplain-General of the forces, that she had been rudely treated by some of the patients. “ Thank God for that!” was the reply. “ What do you mean?” asked the astonished nurse. “ Why," said the bishop, “ if you are car rying a vessel and somebody knocks up against you, you can only spill out of the vessel what is inside. And when people misjudge and persecute us, we can only spill what is inside.’N
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