I T t e SP IR IT O F T R U T H and
I I T T e S P IR IT O F E R R O R ” | E Y E - O P E N I N G T E S T IM O N I E S R E G A R D I N G C U L T S | DELIVERED FROM INTELLECTUAL ASSASSINATION You have asked me to give you an account of my experience with the so- called Christian Science. I do not ridi cule Ghristian Science, for it is a sub ject that should be treated seriously. I know many professing Christians who say Christian Scientists believe in Jesus Christ, and so they do, but in an en tirely erroneous way. I thank God I have been delivered from the confusion and deception and mental imprisonment of Eddyism to the joyous liberty of salvation found in the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal Savior (Jno. 3:16; 1:12). I never could un derstand why God should have chosen Mrs. Eddy to the position Scientists claim for her as a discerner of the truth. I know now that there is but ONE BOOK, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit is the only “ Key” needed. When I was a Scientist, I was for ever being told to “ read Science and Health” . There was never a word about finding out what God has said. Mrs. Eddy is the encyclopedia of this myster ious delusion and it is always WHAT SHE SAYS. You dare not go beyond that. If you do, you “ do not under stand” Christian Science. I always attended the Wednesday night services. In these services Mrs. Eddy was always being lauded to the skies. The name of Jesus was rarely, if ever, heard. They do not even say, “ I thank God.” My wife had been ailing for months. Physicians, of whom we consulted many, seemed to accomplish little good for her. Our regular doctor said she had a bare chance to be cured if given proper care. My wife came to the place where she said she was going to trust God alone for her healing. Just as we were talking together about this matter, a lady friend of my wife’s called. My wife told her of her decision and our friend \ exclaimed, “Why, you are just ripe for Christian Science. I am so glad I called at this particular time.” She tried to explain Christian Science to us, and the system seemed to hold out such hopes that we fell for it. (How often the devil has thrust in this mod ern pernicious teaching just at the point where one was moved to trust God alone for healing!) Our friend explained to us that the old orthodox idea of praying to a God up in heaven somewhere, who looked down on poor mortals, must be cast on the scrap heap. Christian Science, she said, did away with this foolish idea of praying to a personal God. She sent us a practitioner who laid down the rules to us, admonishing us to follow what Mrs. Eddy said very carefully. God is divine principle, the principle of all harmonious mind action. God is definitely individual and not personal. I found that Mrs. Eddy’s God was not the God of the Bible I had formerly known. Our first lesson in confusion cost us $2.00, for the practitioner em phasized the fact that “ the laborer is worthy of his hire” . Then we must buy “ Science and Health” right away. We were blind enough to do anything and we did all that we were directed to do. It was necessary to have the practition er every day of course, and during the night absent treatments were essential. In the meantime my wife was endur ing untold agony, trying to believe
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