286 sin? The idea is heathen! If people would hut know the truth, they would see that man is incapable of sin.” I asked about Christ’s death and resurrection. I was so ignorant and so hungry, I could not help asking ques tions, for I could make nothing out of Mrs. Eddy’s writings. “ Mrs. Eddy says,” the practitioner replied, “ Jesus did not die an4 His death means nothing to a Christian Scientist.” But praise God, His death means ETERNAL LIFE to me now. Regarding the resurrection 11 was told that “ Christ’s resurrection was simply spiritualization of thought—ma terial belief yielding to spiritual under standing’s —whatever that is. But praise God I now know Jesus as the “ resurrection and the life” (Jno. 11:25) and I know that believing in Him, even though I die, yet shall I live. I knew Christian Science had failed in my wife’s case and knew it was fail ing to keep me from sin. Evil was ever present with me. I longed to be good and to do good. As much as I was told that I was incapable of sin, my conscience kept witnessing to the fact that I was a miserable sinner. I was a miserable pian. About this time someone placed in my mail box some announcements of the Torrey meetings. With this was some literature entitled, “ The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error,” setting forth briefly the teachings of the cults as contrasted with Scripture verses. I became intensely interested and began looking up the passages. I found I could read the Bible without Mrs. Eddy’s “ key” much better than I could with it. I resolved to go and hear Dr. Torrey and settle the matter then but it was not God’s will to wait to do His work of grace in my heart when I was in the presence of Dr. Torrey and the people who thronged to hear him, for on January 16, ’i9. God spoke peace to my soul as I took Him at His word in
THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S childlike faith. The moment I saw Christ as more than a mere man, I saw myself as a hopeless sinner, separated from God. The moment I realized that Jesus’ blood was shed for me, unspeak able joy flooded my being. Old things passed away. All things became new. I found myself able to do things I never could have done in my own strength. I found a love for things I had never before desired. I knew i was “ born again” . Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, O, what a foretaste of glory divine, Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. (Name and address can be furnished by the Editor.) '^Ms. 84» The Christian Fundamentals League, with headquarters in Los Angeles (Room 207 Van Nuys .Building) and of which we wrote at length in our Febru ary issue, has lined up to its support some of the leading ministers of the country who. are highly pleased with the plan of action to be taken in com batting the false, cults. Its constructive program appeals to sensible men and the literature being put out by the League for distribution and for placing in its literature racks is conceded to be the strongest obtainable. Some very .fruitful meetings have been held in Southern California by speakers rep resenting the League, and literature racks are being manufactured fast enough to supply the demands. We trust many of our subscribers will give their names to Mr. Robert Hadden, General Secretary of the League, that he may send them circulars setting forth the plans for meeting the false teachings everywhere.
Someone has said of Christianity, that the more you export, the more you have at home.
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