King's Business - 1920-03

January 1, 1919................................. 5,900 Subscribers January 1, 1920.................................14,000 Subscribers ^Us. ^

T w e n t y - f i v e t h o u s a n d Subscribers for i920 To The King’s Business Family: Last year we asked the members of our King’s Business family to help us, double the number of subscribers to our magazine, to which request they heartily responded, and we take this occasion to return our hearty thanks to every one who helped. Your time and your money were well invested. Now, for 1920: May we lay upon your hearts another request? Will every subscriber and friend help us to reach, during this year, ten thousand more subscribers? We feel sure that any one of our good friends could secure at least one more. It means only TWO CENTS A WEEK! It can he easily done provided you do not think that someone else will do your part. It will bring a monthly message of good and helpful things to any minister or missionary, Sunday School teacher or young Christian. You cannot lose if you secure someone as a subscriber, but you may be losing a great blessing if you fail to make the investment of another dollar. We earnestly request every subscriber and friend, after reading this, to offer a prayer for this project, and then to do what you think the Lord would have you do concerning it. We will keep you posted as the good work goes on. T H E A M E R IC A N I Z A T IO N of the Foreigner An interesting pamphlet on the “ Americanization of the Foreigner” is in our hands. Its purpose is to instruct the preachers and furnish material for sermons. There are many good things in the pamphlet, but we looked in vain for any suggestion concerning the use of the Bible in making American citizens of these foreigners. As is so often the case, the main agency in effecting the best results is omitted. The Bible is the best book for making real, true American citizens out of foreigners, or natives either. The Bible is the book that would make a good American preacher, too, and it would not be a bad plan to teach it to the students of the Theological Seminaries. We need a lot of true American preachers and teachers—men who are true to the Bible and loyal to the heritage left us by our fathers.

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