late to the judgment of the saints. Commencing with the sixth chapter, all scenes are in connection with the judg ment upon the earth. The message is 'from the lips of our Lord (22:16) and John is t'o be the mouthpiece or scribe. It is dedicated to the seven churches which are in Asia, all of them found in the strip known as Asia Minor,— the “ Asia” of the days of the early church. All of them were centers of luxurious idol atry. Smyrna still exists with four Protestant churches. The number seven is a sacred one, composed of three, the divine number, and four, the world number. The churches may have passed away, but the message has not, and a study of the second and third chapters in which is a record of the definite mes sage intended for each church, gives a panoramic view of the history of the whole church. The Laodicean and Philadelphian, types are dominant now, but the history of the church shows that these seven types of professed be lievers have been manifest always. Outline of Chapter. (1) The Vicarious, Victorious Christ, vs. 4-6. (2) The Visible Coming of Christ, 7, 8. (3) The Vision of the Glorified Christ, 9-16. (4) The Voice of Assurance from Christ, 17, 18. (1) THE -VICARIOUS, VICTORIOUS CHRIST, vs. 4-6. Here is a song of praise to Jesus Christ. How blessed to turn our eyes to Himself. How worthy He is! How blessed to know and adore Him! Three titles are given to Jesus, and three works are declared to be wrought by Him in our behalf. 1. He is the Faithful Witness: In 3:14 He is called the faithful and true witness. (Psa. 89:35-37; Isa. 55:43. A witness testifies to truth, to
John was a prisoner for his testimony to Jesus Christ. The character of his testimony is shown in John 1:14: “ And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begot ten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (1 John 1:2.) “ For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was mani fested unto us.” He glories not in his apostleship, but in his friendship in suffering with Jesus Christ. The companions of Jesus must know something of fellowship with Him in tribulation, kingdom and patience. The revelation was made by an angel, or messenger (22 :6). It is a revelation for servants, and believers are here re garded as servants, not sons, neither is God looked upon as Father to the be liever, but as the Father of Jesus Christ (2:27; 3:21; 1:6; 14:1). He is called “ the Almighty” (v. 8), a term only used in the New Testament once be sides here (2 Cor. 6 :18); “ And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall by My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” It is intended as a source of comfort to faithful witnesses, and was written especially to the churches (22:16). , Revelation is an uncovering— a re vealing— a panorama. The theme of ' the book is the return of the Lord Jesus, and the events which accompany the same. The divisions of the book are: (1) THAT WHICH IS SEEN, 1:12- 18. ( 2 ) . THINGS WHICH ARE, Chs. 2 and 3. (3) THINGS WHICH SHALL BE, Chs. 4 to 22, inclusive. The Church is viewed as associated with the Lord after the third chapter. The fourth and fifth chapters may re
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