King's Business - 1920-03



fact. Knowledge is the basis of all testimony. (John 3:11.) Before Pilate He witnessed a good confession. As the faithful witness He told the truth concerning man, and God, and eternal life. He was a faith­ ful witness of the Father. He declared Him, He spoke for Him. He showed the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us. He was an intelligent witness. He had all the facts. He was a true wit­ ness,— no motive to withhold or change facts. He is also a faithful witness for men, before the Father. To us, He reveals the matchless love of God. To God, He manifests our faith and life. 2. He is the First Bom of the Dead: Not the first in point of time, but first in importance; the first to come forth and live forever. He arose by His own power (John 10:18). He arose as the representa­ tive Man ( i Cor. 15:20): “ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept.” 3. He is the Ruler of the Kings of the Earth: (Matt. 28:18.) “ All power is given untp me in heaven and in earth.” God brought Him from the grave and highly exalted Him. He is the real Prince of this world. When His throne is established, He will reign in right­ eousness. Having considered what are His three titles, let us now see what He has wrought: 1. He Loveth Us: Here we get the Godward aspect of Jesus Christ as a faithful witness. God is love, and God loved and loveth us. “ He loveth us”— note the present tense. John wrote fifty years after the death of Christ, and wrote of His com­ ing, and yet says “ loveth us.” It is a personal term to us who are

believers, who have our life through faith in Him. Today, now,—He loveth us! It is a perpetual lové. Two thousand years have passed since John wrote these blessed words. They are true now. Two million years may pass, and they will still be true. This is a blessed fact. It would have been blessed if Jesus had taken pity on us; if He had been compassionate on us; if He had befriended us; if He had taken an in­ terest in us,— but He loved us, and He loveth us! It is John who is writing. He who says of Himself “ the disciple whom Jesus loved.” How; fondly he dwelt upon this! Five times mentioned (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7; 21:2Q). There is no change in that love. 2. He Loosed Us From Our Sins: This is the spiritual attitude of Jesus Christ. The freedom from our sins is by the law of the Spirit of Life. This is the proof of love. He did not send some one to loose us. He came Himself to set us free. He loosed us forever. He came to give deliverance to the cap­ tive. Sin hath no more dominion over us. (Rom. 6:14.) 3. He Hath Made Us a Kingdom of Priests. We are a royal priesthood. Disciples are never said to be kings or priests in­ dividually, but a kingdom. The king is anointed. The priest is. consecrated. We are to rule and serve. This is the Christward manifestation. He the Ruler; we associated with Him. What exaltation for the captive,— to be set apart, so that all our faculties are to be exercised for Him! We shall see Him, and be like Him! Now we are prepared to praise Him. John had begun to write the revelation given to him, when his soul was stirred by the perfect Spirit, and he was com­ pelled to stop and call over His names and works, and then to praise Him,—

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