King's Business - 1920-03



presence of such a vision as he had of the glorified Christ? Let us look for a moment at Him, this glorified Lord of ours: While He is human, He is also divine. His voice rings out like a trumpet. His face is as lightning, as it flashes in its splendor. His hair is like snowy wool. His royal garments are as pure white as His stainless character, and symbolize His holiness. Pure gold forms His girdle, and His feet are like burn­ ing brass. Everything about Him suggests the glory of His person. He is the express image of His Father’s person (Heb. 1 :3). Glorious things are spoken, of Zion, and glorious things are used to express to us the glory of Jesus Christ. He is the Eternal One, the Ancient of Days, whom Daniel saw. He was be­ fore all things, and when the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll and time shall be no more, He will be the same. He is the glorified Head of the Church. He rules over it. The Church is the one great institution on earth. He lives in the Church. He lives for the Church. He has fellowship with it. He pleads for it. He is preparing a place for it. When He has perfected it, He will usher it into the mansions pre­ pared for it, and forever in His immedi­ ate presence the Church will be asso­ ciated with Him, as is a bride with her bridegroom. (4) THE VOICE OF ASSURANCE, vs. 17, 18. He is the same Jesus—perfect God, but perfect Man. There is no change in Him. He has come to talk with John, His beloved, and John is over­ powered as he was at the transfigura­ tion. The glory is too great. But the voice is one of assurance. He puts His hand upon him. Blessed hand! Right hand,— the hand of power! Hand that is pierced! Hand that was laid upon the sick, upon the leper! The voice that

his soul filled to overflowing with love. So it was with Paul (Eph. 3:20, 21), and with Peter (1 Pet. 5:11), and with Jude (Judge 25)', and so with all holy men and women. In 7:12 he ascribes to Him “ Blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power and majes­ ty.” This is the perfect number— per­ fect praise. If you commence praising God, you go on. (2) THE VISIBLE COMING OF CHRIST, vs. 7, 8. The theme in many churches and schools now is “ He has come; He came at Pentecost; He will never come- in person again.” The theme of Heaven, the theme of the saints who have departed and are with Him awaiting their glorified bodies, is the theme of the two wit­ nesses in white (Acts 1 :8). “ This same Jesús shall so come.”. Verse 7 says, “ Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him.” He ought to know all about it, for He is bearing testimpny here with His own lips. No matter how blind the critics are now, their eyes will be opened then, and many of them will be among those who will wail because of Him. They scoff and make light of His coming now, but they will change their tune when He comes “ Which is, and which was, and which is to come.” Every true believer should rejoice, sing hallelujah, praise God and shout with John, “Even so, come Lord Jesus, come quickly.” Note that this seventh verse speaks of His coming with His saints, not His coming for them, as re­ corded in 1 Thess. 4:13-18. (3) THE VISION OF THE GLORIFIED CHRIST, 9-16. John takes his position here as one of the believers, “ I, John, your brother and companion.” This is very beauti­ ful. He does not call himself the chief of the apostles, nor seek to lord it over his brethren. How could he in the

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