THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S spoke peace, the voice that raised the dead, now speaks comforting words to John. Above all the strange scenes of earth; above all the conflict among the nations; above all the persecution and trials of His people,— we are assured that He is the same. We are always safe when we recognize Him, the same yesterday, today and forever. As He was with Israel in the wilder ness, in the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night, so He is with us all the days. See Him as He is,— all glorious. Hear Him as He speaks,— all powerful. Feel His hand upon you,— the all-loving, wonderful Saviour, glor ious Lord, Almighty King! Hail, all hail! We bow at Thy feet; we adore Thee; we await Thy coming. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The book is “ revelation” not “ ob scuration.” (2) With the revelation of the Blesser, comes a blessing. (3) Emphasize to yourself three words, — “ Read” , “ Hear” , “ Keep” . (4) If you keep the sayings of the Book, you will keep your eyes open for the coming of the Lord. (5) The Lord’s Day is not the day of the Lord. One commemorates the Lord’s resurrection. The other prophesies judgment. (6) The proof of His love is the blood that He shed. (7) Christ is the Coming One, and He comes in clouds. (iB) Christ is the center of the whole circumference,— past, present and future. (9) Christ keeps the keys, not the pope. (10) From His face the wicked shall flee away. The same Mighty One is in the midst today.
Subject Illustration— Silence. Disraeli once said, “ Silence is the mother of truth.” It is just as truly the mother of high achievements and successful resolve—-it is the citadel in which the soul finds LESSON spiritual strength ILLUSTRATIONS and listens to the W. H. Pike “ still small voice.” In ‘ ‘ U n s e e n Forces and How to Use Them” , the au thor emphasizes this fact— “ All the great movements of human history that have been wrought with infinite bless ing to humanity were conceived and born in dead silence. Christianity, in its beautiful simplicity, the most pre cious movement that ever entered hu man history, and its Author habitually entered into the silence— all the truly great men of history since His time, who have benefited the world by their achievements, have been men who hab itually entered into the silence of God’s presence, Martin Luther remains in the silence of his cell with God, and when he comes out he shakes Europe and overturns the thrones of despotism. John Bunyan is thrown into the silence of Bedford jail. There he obtains in spiration from God for Pilgrim’s Pro gress. Importance of Jesus. Dr. Chas. S. Robinson said once that he asked a prominent business man what he thought of Christ, and the man replied frankly, “ I suppose I never do think of Jesus Christ.” Then Dr: Rob inson inquired of the man when he was born and he gave the date, 1843. “ B. C. or A. D.?” the'doctor asked. The man remained silent in his confusion. Here was a man who had been dating letters for many years, and was thus commemorating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and yet he frankly acknowl edged that he had no definite thoughts regarding the Saviour of mapkind. A Vision of Jesus, A little blind Syrian boy in the
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