of being the first nation of the work', under their King Messiah.— Lincoln. Jesus is not only “ firstborn from the dead” (Col. 1:18) but He is firstborn among many brethren (Rom. 8:29). Into death He went, spoiling principal ities and powers and when from death He ascended “ He led captivity captive” (Eph. .4:8).— Ottman. The kings of earth were in compact against Him when He was here (Ps. 2:2) but in vain (Ps. 2 :6). He was received into heaven and He shall yet come to take His own throne and then He shall be owned as ruler of kings and Lord of lords.— Ford. Unto Him that loved us. Literally “ loveth” . The love of Christ is not of a character to be expressed in the past tense.— Sel. Washed us in His own blood. The priests before putting on the holy garments washed themselves. So spiritual believers as priests unto God must first be washed in Christ’s blood" from every stain before they can serve God aright.— J. F. & B. We sing “ There is power in the blood” , but the theme of heaven’s anthem also is “ the blood” . Stand true to the blood and you will have part in that anthem.— Echoes. v. 6. Made us kings and priests. Literally “ a kingdom, priests” , a phrase synonymous with the “ royal priest hood” of 1 Pet. 2:9.®-Simcox. Let men despise Christians if they will. There is royalty connected with discipleship and priesthood with true piety, however obscure may be the believer.— Sel. Fishermen and tax gatherers by listen ing to Jesus presently find themselves in apostolic thrones and ministering as priests and rulers of a dispensation wide as the world and lasting as time.— Seiss. All Christians, not a privileged class, may draw near as no priest under the Levitical system— not even the high priest— could do. With the exception of Christ our High Priest, the New Testa ment recognizes no official priest but plainly declares that all believers are privileged to approach God.—Ottman. v. 7. Behold He cometh. Many sneer at the very idea and would fain laugh down the people who are so simple as to entertain it, but it is nevertheless the immutable truth of God, predicted by all His prophets, promised by Christ Himself, confirmed by the testimony of angels, proclaimed by all the apostles, believed by all the early Christians, acknowledged in all the church creeds, sung of in all the hymn books. That
religion which does not look for a re turning Saviour is not the religion of this Book.— Seiss. The New Testament begins with the first coming and ends with the second coming.— Cook. With clouds. See Acts 1:9. His ascension corresponds to the manner of His com ing again. (Acts 1:11.) Clouds are the symbol of . wrath to sinners.— Jamieson. Every eye shall see Him. Not merely a few shepherds.—K. B. He will come again personally and vis ibly. Not only His friends but His foes shall see Him. (Zech. 12:10.)— Tor- rgy. They also which pierced Him. The Jews are viewed as being upon the scene once more. Then and not till then, (Zech. 12:10, l l ; 13:1) shall the fountain be opened to them for sin and uncleanness and the many promises con cerning Israel brought to pass. The church will be gone from the earth be fore this day is ushered in. When He appears “ we shall aPPear Fith Him in glory” (Col. 3 :4). To appear with Him necessitates our being with Him before the glory dawns. (1 Thess.. 4:13-18.)— Ottman. Even so, Amen. God’s seal of His own Word to which corresponds the believer’s prayer (22:20).—J. F. & B. v. 8. I am Alpha and Omega. As Alpha He begins (washing from our sins in His own blood), but He never begins without carrying into full effect His purpose as our -Omega.—Meyer. Which was and is to come. As the Father exists in all the past, present and future, eternal and unchangeable, (v. 4) so Christ who is the .“ express image” of the Father is the “ same yes terday, today and forever” .— Seiss. v. 9. Companion in tribulation, kingdom and patience. Literally “ par taker with you in the tribulation and kingdom and patience in Jesus” .— Camb. Bible. Refer to Acts 14:22 for the association of the kingdom with the tribulation.— Alford. Essential condi tions of His kingdom are tribulation and patience. We cannot exert the di vine energies of the kingdom unless we are willing to take our share in tribula tion for Christ.—Meyer. v. 10. On the Lord’s day. On Sun day we all hold our joint meeting, for the first day is that on whiQh God, hav ing removed darkness and chaos, made the world, and Jesus Christ our Saviour rose from the dead.— Justin Martyr. v. 11. Write in a book. To this book having such an origin, who is
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