Wlv? Not Let Him Tote His Own Drum?
T H E J a zz Band Cure A Doctor of Divinity is quoted in a Denver paper as saying that “ slow, mournful, church music is obsolete, ’ ’—and he has decided to wake the mem bers of his church up by installing a jazz orchestra as a regular Sunday feature. Got to get the people some way. The war being over, they cannot play the professed patriotic stunt any longer. Got to find some other way to keep the shekels coming into the coffers of the church. The entertain ment stunt in the pulpit soon palls on the people. We must either give them a first class Gospel sermon, or a first class entertainment, and when a man lacks the ability to give the former, he must necessarily resort to jazz or something else. Even the funny story in the pulpit plays out finally, for the funny papers keep ahead of the game, and a man is pushed to the wall to know what to do to keep the restless people satisfied. There is something tremendously solemn in this pulpit business, and the most serious part of it is the fact that these men took sacred vows when they entered the ministry, which they are violating with an unconcern that is appalling. Have these men forgotten that they are not through with this business when they quit the ministry, or when death calls them? How about the Lord Jesus to whom they have been recreant, and how about the souls of men who have been tricked by a church sign and have had an entertain ment given them rather than a message of warning and entreaty? The entertainment game may he played for a season, 'but there is a just judgment coming. “ Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” —T. C. H.
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