Subject Illustration—Worship. “Now I would not part with my Saviour for ten thousand worlds.” Thus spoke a girl who had once trod the path of sin, but was now rejoicing in Christ. “ Unto you there- LESSON fore which believe ILLUSTRATIONS He is precious.” , W. H. Pike “ A little bread and wine in a dun geon sufficed for the liturgy of the mar tyrs,” said Homerton and some of God’s worthies did not receive even a crust. Beggars Are Welcomed. The late Baron Hirsch received an average of 400 begging letters a day. and never read them, though he gave away in a single year as much as 3,- 000,000 pounds. Yet we know one who receives more than 400 beggars, bank rupts, and sinners a day, and never has been known to turn one away; indeed, He endows each suppliant with a great er fortune than 3,000,000 pounds, even “ eternal life” . Jno. 6:37, 47. Worship is Redemption Experienced. The law of God demanded that the males should appear before the Lord three times every year, namely, at the Passover Feast, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Ex. 23:17. So far as we know Luke 2:41-52 gives the first time Jesus had been in the temple since His presentation, and it is not without significance that His first ap pearance should be marked by the cele bration of that feast (Passover) which spoke of redemption by the blood of the Lamb. How suggestive also to see the true Paschal Lamb at the typical feast. There can be no real worship nor service until redemption is experi enced. The Moment of Moments. A girl returned from boarding school, Companions were gathered tc welcome her; a festal night flew quick ly by. At last all had departed, and the girl, putting her arms around her
He will lead them out by green pastures and by the living waters. There is a note of deep tenderness in the words which close the chapter, for the saints who rule and reign with Him, and for the Tribulation saints on earth, and for all of the redeemed. There is a tender, loving God and Saviour, deeply interested in every phase of the eternal life of His loved ones. While our hearts are sorrowful as we think of the days which are before the world which lieth in the lap of the wicked one, and our hearts ache for whose who must perhaps soon under go the horrors of The Great Tribula tion,—we cannot but praise our Lord for the blessed assurance given us of the future glory and blessedness of all them who are His, whether they sit upon thrones or stand and serve. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) This Book is a revelation, but you will need spiritual eyes to see. (2) Always mark the difference be tween Jew, Gentile and the Church of God. (3) Every promise of God to the Jews will be faithfully performed. (4) Israel has been cruelly persecuted for centuries, but never cast away. (5) Some sit on thrones and rule with Him, and some stand and serve Him. (6) “ From the Tribulation to the Tem- ple”— is the promise to the faith ful. (7) “ Tribulation . saints” will inplude the tested, tried and true from all sections of the globe. (8) The eternal hymn will be “ Praise to Him whose blood has washed whiter than snow.’" (9) Through the ages He will ever be the loving Saviour, the tender Shepherd and the Sovereign of the universe.
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