tained. There will be no more heaven ly thrones to be distributed but there will still be palms to be secured. The pains of the great tribulation will have to be endured but there will remain a possibility of coming out of it'before it culminates in eternal perdition. (Is. 16:9.)— Seiss. Serve day and night. Standing before the throne might seem to indicate their being in heaven but this idea is shown to be incorrect by the words of the elder who says they serve day and night in His temple and He that sitteth upon the throne shall “ tabernacle” over them. There is no night in heaven nor is there any tem ple therein. The restoration of Israel involves also the restoration of the tem ple. The Gentiles seen here connected with the millennial temple are spoken of by the Prophets. (Is. 66:19-21).— Ottman. Shall dwell among them. Lit erally “ shall spread His tabernacle over them” .— Simcox. v. 16. Shall hunger no more. Oh, to be delivered from the straits and wants and painful necessities of mor tal life, to be released from these earth ly burdens, vicissitudes and deaths, to find some blessed homestead where these aching, wasting, dying natures may once know what it is t6 have abid ing rest.— Seiss. v. 17. Lamb in the midst of throne. What did the man who ventured upon this form of speech, bracketing together the throne of Divine majesty and the slain Lamb which is Christ, think about Christ that he should sever Him from all the multitude of men and unite Him with the solitary God? I leave you to answer.—Maclaren. Living fountains. Literally “ fountains of waters of life” . —Camb. Bible. M . The Heavenly Home. John 14:1-6; Rev. 7:9-17; 2'l:l-5. Memory Verse: “ In my Father’s house are many mansions.” John 14:2, Approach: Show children a sickle or scythe, and explain its use. Ask how many have ever seen one. Describe the farmer going through his field with a scythe or reaping PRIMARY AND machine and cutting BEGINNERS down the ripened Mabel L. Merrill grain. After it is cut he gathers it up, threshes it, and separates the wheat
from the useless chaff and straw, but he stores away the real grain. So God allows even His own people to be cut down by the scythe of death, yet He suffers them not to be destroyed, but gathers them home to Himself. Only the weeds are thrown away, and only the .wicked will be cast off by God in the harvest at the end of the world. (The Primary Teacher, September, 1919.) Lesson Story: When the disciples of Jesus learned that He was going to die, they felt very sad, and even though He told them He was going to rise from the dead, they knew He was not going to live down here on earth but was go ing back to His home in heaven, they could not help thinking how lonely it would be without Jesus. That last night at the supper before He was crucified Jesus told them something that made them happy, for He told them that while He was going back to heaven, He was going to get a place ready for them, and for every one who loved Him. He told them this beauti ful home He was going to get ready for them was up in heaven, that He might have all His own people with Him where He was. It will be heaven where Jesus is. Then you know the angels are up in heaven too. My, what a wonderful place it will be up in heaven with Jesus, and the angels and all the people that love Jesus. You re member in our story last week we Worship in Heaven - rtjs Perfect. y ~~~/ f V \ I U I H \ • '• 'A . : ; . ¡ ■ m Blessing y B U ■ ■ 111 P \ V , 7 ,'V/ Mijjht ■ ■ . \ - Glory £ Power , 1 , Wisdom V, . . Honor ThanK£ftivj»j£ O u r Worship here on earth should be iKened unto it. Do you say Amen ?' c ^ igu .' osk ; ■
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