King's Business - 1920-03

S Dailj) Devotional Home Readings Connected with International Sundaj) School Lessons Bj> FREDERIC W. FARR, D. D. lWW 999 W 9 W 99999 W 9 y 99 W 99 ? 9 y 9999 W 9999999 W 99999999999999 W 9999 W 99 W 99 W 9 WWW 9 WW 99 W 999999 ' g • 999999 ^ MONDAY, March 1. 1 Pet. 1:18-25. Some Reasons for Progress. Iwkw

good.” The spiritual tasting of God’s Word implies its assimilation. Food will not nourish the body unless it is partaken of. This involves the action of the will in accordance with desire. Isaiah 55:2. WEDNESDAY, March 3. 1 Pet. 2:7-12. Spiritual Experience. The language of vs. 7 is elliptical and ejaculatory. It may be literally ren­ dered, “ To you that believe— O the preciousness!” Language fails the writer as he thinks of what Christ is to the believer. A graphic, exclamation point followed by eldquent silence is a very forceful method of expression when accompanied by appropriate ges­ tures. The w6rd “ peculiar” means “ purchased possession” . No notion of eccentricity inheres in the word. We are bought but not with silver. It seems reasonable that God should have and use what He has bought and paid for. A refusal to consecrate or co-op­ erate defrauds Him of His redemption right in His acquired possession. His saints have an inheritance in Him and He has an inheritance in His saints. THURSDAY, March 4. 1 Pet. 2:21-24. Doing as Jesus Did. The suffering of our Saviour is men­ tioned as an example which we are to follow. This suggests the headline of a copy book to be imitated and also the footprints of a leader in which we are to place our feet. The example is negative and positive. His suffering was unmerited, because He did no sin. It was patient because He threatened not in word or deed. He handed Him­ self over to ,God. This was the secret

The new spiritual life imparted by the Holy Spirit in regeneration must be nourished. This nourishment is some­ thing akin to itself and is provided by the Word of God. There is perfect agreement between the Divine life in the soul and Divine truth in the Word of God. When the spiritual life is lacking Scripture is neither enjoyed nor understood. When life is present Scripture is desired and feasted on. The reference to new born babes, ch. 2:2, suggests helplessness and depen­ dence. A child of God may be called a babe in Christ not only because of recent conversion but because of im­ morality after years in the Christian life. Physical weakness frequently arises from a wrong diet. Spiritual weakness usually comes from a mixed or mistaken diet. The appetite of the natural man is not a safeguard in the selection of spiritual food. TUESDAY, March 2. 1 Pet. 2:1-7. Conditions for Progress. All hindrances to growth must be put away. 2 Cor. 7:1. Subtraction precedes addition. There must be re­ nunciation before there can be appro­ priation. Loss of appetite implies loss of health in body and spirit alike. The condition of the Israelites was most se­ rious when they said, referring to the manna, “ Our soul loatheth this light food.” A Christian who prefers the novel or the newspaper to the Word of God is in danger and darkness. “ Tast­ ing” in Scripture means experience. “ O, taste and see that the Lord is

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