Your Sunday School Are You Satisfied With It's Literature? Are you satisfied with anything short of the very best results that can possibly be obtained? Is your Sunday School, under God, doing all that it might do? Is there anything uncertain in your methods? Do you em ploy impractical, unsound or even dangerous lesson helps because they are denominational? The King’s Business is undenominational in character but holds closely to the Word of God and makes" the Bible its own interpreter. It does not “ treat” the lesson but helps the teacher and pupil to understand and apply it. That’s practical. Look over the thorough “ Exposition of the Lesson” , the “ Outline” , “ Lesson Illustrations” , “ Comments From Many Sources” , “ Be ginners and Primary” , etc., helps that drive the lesson home. • WHAT A SUNDAY SCHOOL DID A Live Wire Sunday School, supplied each of its 2000 mem bers with a copy of The King’s Business every month for a year. God so marvelously blessed that school that the order was quickly renewed for another year. The monthly visitor that suppliés these Christian people not only with safe and practical lesson helps, but with daily devotional studies, editorials on vital reli gious themes, could not do otherwise than tone up the spiritual life of the Sunday School and the whole Church as well. YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL CAN DO IT Let us tell you'how it can be done. We have a special offer to Sunday Schools. Write or ask us for particulars at once. THE KING’S BUSINESS
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