Special offer to “KING’S BUSINESS” R E A D E R S Send One Do llar an4 receive by mail, post-free, the following: The Truth About Hell (Scofield)
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And in addition we will send ABSOLUTELY FREE to any one ordering the above, the famous calendar for 1920 OUR PRESIDENTS This calendar is uniform in style with our famous Scripture Calendar, 'but contains instead of Bible pictures, the pictures of all our Presidents from Washington to Woodrow Wilson. Front page in color. Under each date is a daily reading of quotations from the Presidents whose pictures appear for the month. On the back of the calendar is a list of the Presidents; giving the state from which they came; their length of service and the dates of office. , ALL THE BOOKS AND BOOKLETS LISTED ABOVE AND THE PRESIDENT CALENDAR FOR ONE DOLLAR THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California
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