THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S 247 Fairs” of the world. A godly minister of wide experience recently said, “ As I look out upon the world I have (been led to believe that next to sin, religion has done more to damn the world than anything else. What is the matter with India ? Religion without Christ. What is the matter with Africa—China? What is the matter with numbers of people in our own land? They are brim full of religion yet they scorn the atoning blood. Re ligion that does not look to the Cross” . What shall we say to those who write and want to know what they should do? Their pastors have deserted the faith and are preaching abso lute rot. It is a matter that individual believers must settle on their knees with a Bible open before them. There may be instances where it is clearly the believer’s duty to maintain his membership in a church for the purpose of testifying to the Word of God. But there is plenty of evidence to show that hundreds of others will have their faith wrecked if they continue to sit under the preaching of men who are not true to their ordination vows. K. L. B. §4» I-D-O Cabinets and Ouija Boards There has been, since the war, a widespread curiosity concerning the so-called occult sciences. Thousands have dabbled in spiritism and its kin dred evils. In the holiday advertising of some large stores in the cities, considerable attention was attracted by the advertising of new kinds of “ spirit apparatus” for the amusement of young people. For some of this strange apparatus, it was claimed that by their use the operator could re ceive messages from their loved ones of the unseen world. They were said to be direct mediums of communication between the known and unknown. For several years there has been a large sale of “ Ouija” (we-ja) boards. They have been the means of leading hundreds of young people into spiritism. As many know who have experimented in these things, there is a peculiar fascination in these practices, and a strange effect upon the mind is often produced. Whole neighborhoods often go wild over the mysterious manifestations and devote hours to the experiments. A depart ment store owner of our acquaintance, who disposed of considerable of this kind of apparatus during the holidays a year ago, received so many com plaints from customers concerning certain evil effects upon their sons and daughters who had used it, that he shipped back to. the manufacturers a quantity of the infernal machines and vowed he would never permit their sale again. Many people scoff at the idea of there being Satanic powers back of these things—and that is exactly what the devil desires them to do, for then he is certain of a hold on his victim. We hre plainly warned that as we approach the end of the age, evil spirits, knowing their time is short, will manifest themselves in various ways, so as to mislead the very elect. (1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Thes. 2:9-10; Rev. 13:13-14.) Hence the revival of spiritism in every form at the present time. The Ouija board is constructed with a pencil or a pointer in vertical position, so that when the personality is yielded over to it, it will write words or point out letters and answer all manner of questions. Some ex plain that it is done through personal magnetism, power of the mind, etc.,
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