After Christmas” Sale (continued) OUR PRICE, 68c $L00—1The Modern Man (Archibald) $1.00—Prayer Meeting Talks (Banks) < $1.00—The,Children’s Year (Bowie) $1.00—Point and Purpose in Preaching (Brown) $1.00—Similes and Figures (Clark) $1.00—What Shall Be JDone In the Dry? (Dunbar) OUR PRICE, 82c $1.25>—Why I Believe the Bible'(Burrell) $1.30—Amurru: Home of the Northern Semites (Clay)) $1.25—Personal Work (Faris) $1.25—One Thousand Miles of Miracles (Glover) $1.2i>—Fifty Missionary Heroes (Johnson) ’ $1.25—Children’s Missionary Sermons (Kerr) $1.25—Imperialism and Christ (Ottman) $1.25—Greater Life and Works of Christ (Patterson) $1.50—Evangelistic Sermons (Perren) OUR PRICE, $1.26 $2.00—Preparation and Delivery of Sermons (Broadus) $1.60—Annotated Bible—Matthew (Gaebelein) $1.60—Ezekiel (Gaebelein)1 ! '■ ■ ■ ■ ; ' ■ - ; $2.00—The Ideal Ministry (Johnson) $1.60—Knowing the Scriptures (Pierson) All these books are NEW and from our REGULAR STOCK. These prices will positively be withdrawn March 31, 1920.
THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California
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