King's Business - 1920-03


O N . O R G A N S Extending Through a Short Time Only

“I would by all means buy the Style S for your friend. He will be de­ lighted/’ So will you. Only weighs 17 lbs.

OUR STYLE A Single Reed 39 Note Catalogue P rice __ __________ Special Price ...........................

460.00 I 40.00

OUR STYLE B 39 NOTE Two Sets of Reeds Catalogue Price — ...------....------ $70.00 Special P ric e ___________ ______ 47.00

The Bilhorn Style B ; 2 Sets- of Reeds will put anyone over the top to Victory. Why not you? I have selected the Style D for one of the Jackies from our C. E. Society. He will be glad, all right.”

OUR STYLE W 4 Oct. Catalogue Price ______________$50.00 Special Price ______________ 34.00

OUR STYLE D 3 # Oct. Catalogue Price ---------------------- $60.00 Special Price _______________— 40.00

“I am taking one of these organs to one of the boys in the^ army camp. I know it will make him happy.” NOTE: This Special offer holds good only 90 days. Why not make yourself or someonehappy? Send them one of these organs for a present. NOTE: Cash must come with the order. Add 10c to personal check.

OUR STYLE P 354 Oct. Leatherette Covered $65.00 Special Price ____.;___ .....__ ___ 42.00 Catalogue Price

OUR STYLE S 3 # Oct. Catalogue Price ---------------------$70.00

NOTE—$1.00 Extra for Packing Charged on Each Organ and S% Government War Tax. Special Price. --------------- ------- 45.00 BIOLA BOOK ROOM 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

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