King's Business - 1920-03


Christian Science


Spiritualism Russellism Theosophy Mormonism

Seventh Day Adventism

New Theology

“ The Spirit o f Truth and Spirit o f Error” Is a chart comprised of actual quotations from each of these cults, arranged under the principal doctrines of Scripture,— God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Atonement, Salvation, Sin, Retribu­ tion. Shows at a glance just what each sect teaches. Under the same headings are given plain statements from Scrip­ ture which enables the student to see wherein are the dis­ crepancies and contradictions. This chart folds neatly into a size which can be carried in the pocket. It is a work of great value for those who are meeting followers of the various sects. Most of these people do not themselves know what is actually taught by their leaders. This chart has been an eye-opener to hundreds. This Chart should be widely circulated by Christian people, as an antidote to the poisons being spread everywhere by the devil’s deluded agents.

$1.00 per Hundred, 55c for 50. Single Copies Postpaid 3c

KING’S BUSINESS OFFICE 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles

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