New Product Guide 10 - Forever Updated

Mitchell 28mm Complete Pole Kits - Coming Soon! Eyelet Pole Kits include: pole, brackets finials, and instructions Pole Lengths available: 150 & 300cm 300cm lengths are supplied in two halves with a joiner and three brackets

Dark Chestnut Eyelet Pole Kit

Light Chestnut Eyelet Pole Kit

28mm: MITC28PO150/LC

28mm: MITC28PO150/DC

Washed Oak Eyelet Pole Kit

Washed White Eyelet Pole Kit

28mm: MITC28PO150/WO

28mm: MITC28PO150/WW

Optional Extras

6 x Rings Packs

Dark Chestnut MITC28R/DC

Light Chestnut MITC28R/LC

Washed Oak MITC28R/WO

Washed White MITC28R/WW

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