Yes, these are the words of John Lennon, and they are as appropriate today as there were when they were written decades ago. I am 59 years old, I've lived all over the world. I've had a weird and wonderful life. I've been a professional artist for 40 years, and had sure and certain knowledge that I’m an artist for 54 years now. And still every day, yes every day, I get up and conjure and dream of art... I am a very lucky man. Now more than ever, with our world in the throes of social, political, moral and ethical upheaval, now more than ever I believe we need to IMAGINE. Imagine a better, safer, kinder, greener, happier, more tolerant, abundant, sharing, giving, accepting, loving world. All I do,
and all I intend to do, is paint to the best of my ability beautiful, bright, colourful, joyous, interesting, non-threatening, kind, inventive, artwork.
I want people to smile when they see my work. That’s it.
I want to make whatever contribution I can to make the world even a slightly better place. I want to enhance and bring light to peoples’ environments.
I want my children to be proud of me...
I want to paint beauty and nature...
Imagine that!
It’s easy of you try.
Alex Echo, 2017
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