well as those who have distinguished themselves, such as athletes who are stars in particular sports. To be sure, there may be times in the Bible when we don’t understand the meaning of a symbol, or even of a plain statement, for that matter. Don’t devise a symbolical interpreta tion. Continue a search for the lit eral truth God is trying to convey. It is a good rule to compare one prophecy with another. This is what Peter meant when he told us that “no prophecy . . . is of any private interpretation” (II Peter 1 :20). That means it’s not to be interpreted by itself, but rather in the light of all that God has said on the subject. Every prophecy is part of the total picture. The Bible is harmonious and consistent as a whole. Sometimes future events are so mingled together that they seem to be peaks in a range of mountains. The valleys appear to be hidden. Fulfill ment may be separated by many years or even centuries of time. Events connected with the first and second coming of Christ are found in the writings of the same prophet even though their fulfillment is al ready separated by at least two thou sand years (Isa. 9:6-8, 61:1, 2). There is also the aspect of “the law of double reference” which simp ly means that a prophecy may have a double fulfillment. Isaiah 7:14 is an example of this. Apparently, some child born in the time of King Ahaz was a sign to Isaiah, and yet this great prophecy was not completely fulfilled until Christ was born of the virgin Mary. God often used this principle, giving both a near and a far view in the same prophetic word. This indicated that the fulfillment of one would be an assurance of the ful fillment of the other. Both fulfill ments, however, are literal in inter pretation, which is the key to under standing all the Bible. 26
P art T wo It’s a great thrill for any preacher to teach the truth of the Lord, for there are so many marvelous subjects in God’s blessed Book, the Bible. Among the most thrilling of these is biblical prophecy. Actually, be cause of the rapid movement of events in this last part of the twenti eth century, we are in one of the greatest hours for the Christian to be alive. Understanding of prophecy gives poise and perception in the face of confusion and chaos. Fully one quarter of the Bible contains pro phetic truth. Again, its definition is the foretelling of anything that is future when the actual prediction was made. We must consistently fol low literal interpretations. Even the symbols and figures of speech have a plain meaning standing behind them. There are practical benefits in knowing God’s Word concerning to morrow’s news as we apply it to our own hearts and lives. Political for tunes of nations, as well as individ uals, don’t happen by chance. Events of history lie in the sovereign hands of God who actively carries forth His plan for the world. And we’re not left in the dark about this plan. This is the reason for prophecy as far as the believer is concerned. God is not about to be toppled from His throne by whatever misfortune may be brought forth from man. Daniel 2: 21 reminds us that God removes as well as sets up kings. “He doeth ac cording to his will” (Dan. 4:35). We can see, in our own time, the dimin ishing of nations such as the British empire. It doesn’t occupy the place of power and prominence that it once did. Its military strength has been greatly diminished. Daniel saw all this in the remarkable dream that Nebuchadnezzar^ the king of Baby lon, had. This wicked king had car ried the Jewish people away into an area which we now know as Iran and
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