recorded in the second chapter of this important book. In verse 44 we read of the ten confederated kingdoms forming the Roman empire, signified by the ten toes of the image. Rome as yet has not existed in this specific fashion. The coming S t on e that strikes the image is something yet in the future. We look forward to it. Rome came to an end as a world power hundreds of years ago. How do we explain that Christ hasn’t as yet come? The years between were simply passed over in these visions. It is as though Daniel saw only the mountain peaks of these two great events. In between is a valley of at least two thousand years. This we know as the age of the Church. We know that Isaiah, too, saw events related to both comings of Christ in one profile of prophecy. Since the ten toes of the Roman empire are yet to come, we can ex pect that one of tomorrow’s head lines will announce the formation of the confederation of ten nations lo cated in a general area of the old Roman empire, known as Western Europe. In a parallel vision recorded in Daniel 7, the prophet learned that the four different metals correspond ed to four different animals. This is a further rule of prophetic study in seeing the repetition of a prediction which God was giving. This federa tion will be in existence and function ing at the time of the second coming of Christ. Then ten toes of the beast will be formed in the early months of the hour of tribulation. This fol lows the translation of the Church as she is taken to be with her Lord in the air. Apparently the political necessity for self-defense will prompt these nations to band together. There will be other great political power blocks in this same period. They real ize the absolute necessity of pooling their resources. We have seen fore runners of this in NATO and the common market of nations. It is interesting to see in Daniel 28
7:8, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 the little horn who comes up in the midst of the ten horns of the fourth beast who was greater than the other. He con- auered three of the ten, blasphemed God, and persecuted the saints. All of these acts in a future day are go ing to make headlines in the world. This man, who is yet to come after the Church has gone home, will be- come the great leader of this confed eration clustered around the Medi terranean basin. If Christ’s coming is as imminent as signs would indi cate this person could already be liv ing, and for all we know probably al ready active in politics. I underscore the fact that we are not naming names, for we don’t know who he is. His name and speech will often make headlines during the first part of the Tribulation. Three times in these verses from Daniel, we’re told that this man must conquer three of these nations. There will be three to resist efforts of union. Whether this in volves open war or not is not re vealed. When this leader has consolidated his own political empire, he will break his covenant with Israel and commence unprecedented persecution of the Jewish people living during the Tribulation. Both Jews and Gen tiles will be converted in those awe some days of great Tribulation. God will be sovereign in those days, too. The Lord allows this per secution to come. Its length will be limited to “a time and times and a dividing of time.” This refers to the last half of the Tribulation or three and one-half years. This same period is described in Revelation 12:13-17. There will be widespread killing of those who have accepted Christ dur ing this period of suffering. This in ternational political leader is called “the little horn” (Dan. 7:8), “the prince that shall come” (Dan. 9:26), “the king who will do according to his will” (Dan. 11:36), “that man of sin” (II Thess. 2:3), “the beast”
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