The first reason for this is that we might provide for our offspring. This includes provisions in the a r e a s which are physical, mental, moral, esthetical and spiritual. Paul writes to his son in the faith, Timothy, “And one who does not provide for his own, especially for his own house hold, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” This pro vision is for the physical body, the proper kind of food, health, and medi cine when needed. The little child cannot climb out of its crib or play room and go to a doctor when there is a need, or when some immuniza tion should be given. I was visiting in a certain home when a little boy came up to me and said, “Mr. Smith, I want to show you my pictures.” He got out a box in which he had more than a hun dred snapshots which he had taken with an expensive camera his father and mother had gotten for him. Frankly, it would have taken a Ph.D. to operate the thing. Do you know, not a single one of those pictures was in focus. When he had gone out to play, I said to his mother, “Have you had little Jimmy’s eyes exam ined ? From the looks of his pictures, it may be he has seriously impaired vision.” She was quite sure it was merely a case of his not knowing how to use the camera. She agreed, however, to take him to the doctor. His eyes were examined and he was fitted with glasses. Some weeks later when I was in that same home, the mother filled up with emotion and tears came in her eyes. She said, “Do you know what my little lad said to me after he got his glasses? ‘Mommy, for the first time, I can see the tops of the trees!’ ” Whereas he had been doing 3
C hapter O ne I t WAS A number of years ago that I was asked to address a Mother’s Club on the aspect of child life. I started by saying, “I happen to be a father. My first child is six weeks old. I am sure that I’m acquainted with all the problems and have all the answers.” (They chuckled, as did I.) Since that time I have become, with my dear wife’s help, a father of five children. Some of them have already established their own homes. In the intervening years I have coun selled with young men and women in colleges and universities about marital and family relations. There is no institution in all the world as significant as the family. This is the basic unit and final bul wark of our society. “If you will give us godly Christian homes,” said one of our presidents a few years ago, “most of our real problems will take care of themselves.” He was right! Human beings, u n lik e animals, take many years to mature. The government says a young man is not old enough to vote until he is 21 years of age. The reason for the dif ference is that animals are directed by instincts. Whether it be a Balti more Oriole, building the same kind of a nest which it has built through the years, or the elaborate diving bell of a water spider, the Almighty Crea tor directs each one in the instincts of its own development. Human beings are not the same. We concern ourselves with mental, moral and spiritual values. A young man cannot be taught to be honest by instinct. In the providence of God there are long years necessary for the proper development of character. This is why God gave you children. The responsibility is up to you!
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