70x7 Wellness Mission

The story here about isn’t about forgiving our brother or sister 70 times or 490 times or some finite number. Rather it is about infinite forgiveness! Jesus is telling us we should ALWAYS forgive our brothers when they have sinned against us. In the addiction and mental health arena, we find that too many times too many people have been given up on cast aside at various points in their lives by family, friends or anyone who was suppose to there to help. Operating from this Principal of Infinite Forgiveness and Faith, The Seventy Times Seven Wellness Mission (70x7WM) will ALWAYS BE THERE NO MANY HOWMANY TIMES IT TAKES with open arms to serve until the mission of wellness is achieved for the individual. Mission Statement: To be the standard bearer in the mental health and addition recovery services industry through comprehensive medical and therapeutic techniques that foster wellness, longevity and socially responsibility for the wonderful people we serve VISION: Grounded in the principals of Forgiveness and Faith, The Seventy Times Seven Wellness Mission, seeks to be a

national leader in impactful, compassionate and integrated health services in both mental health and addiction recovery services in the communities that we serve.

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