Chutzpah! Festival 2024 Brochure

Schedule At-a-Glance Date Time Venue Event


Friday November 1 Saturday November 2 Sunday November 3 Monday November 4

7pm NRT

Jacob Samuel: Big Talk

6 3

7pm The Pearl

Kommuna Lux

7pm NRT/STREAM Truth to Power Café


10am NRT

Yamma Ensemble Intergenerational Matinee & Workshop Gimpel the Fool Returns to Poland (Nephesh Theatre/Howard Rypp)


Monday November 4

7pm NRT


Tuesday November 5 Wednesday November 6

7pm NRT 7pm NRT 7pm SDC

Yamma Ensemble

4 5

Mark Rubin: Jew of Oklahoma

Friday November 8

Dance Double Bill About Time (Ne.Sans Opera & Dance) Fortress (Rebecca Margolick and Livona Ellis) Dance Double Bill About Time (Ne.Sans Opera & Dance) Fortress (Rebecca Margolick and Livona Ellis)


Saturday November 9

7pm SDC

8/ 9

Saturday November 9 Sunday November 10

7pm NRT 7pm NRT

The Last Night at the Cabaret Yitesh The Last Night at the Cabaret Yitesh

7 7

NRT Norman & Annette Rothstein Theatre | JCC First Floor Zack Gallery Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery | JCC First Floor SDC Scotiabank Dance Centre | 677 Davie Street, Vancouver The Pearl 881 Granville Street, Vancouver

Workshops and talkbacks with festival artists, facilitated by members of the Vancouver arts community will run throughout the Festival. Visit the Festival website for updates and registration info.

Artist Conversation Series Throughout the Festival Following select shows, Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery

Chutzpah! takes you beyond the talkbacks of old and into a whole new realm of interaction with festival artists, plus a chance to mix and mingle with friends in a creative environment. Following select shows, join us in the Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery for coffee and cookies and hear directly from the artists in a casual conversation, facilitated by Festival artistic staff and guest moderators.


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