Technofilms, Guatemala Technofilms reduced the spot colors used in this job from four to two, translating into a 22 percent reduc- tion in set-up times. In another job, the company used new packaging materials manufactured from more sustainable polyethylene foam films to reduce weight — by 11 percent in this case — and enable more effi- cient packing for transit. Teruel – Papeis Amalia Ltd, Brazil Teruel worked with three brands to adapt and create packaging designs and new substrates that not only matched the quality of the product when previously produced gravure, but also enhanced sustainability cre- dentials and eliminated steps in the post-print process. In addition to the 13 winners, the judges highlighted the contributions of the following entrants: • CR Serigrafia Srl & Esbe Srl , Italy, (Joint Entry) • Mondi Halle GmbH, Werner & Mertz GmbH, Knecht GmbH and Flexicon AG, Germany (Joint Entry) • Papierfabrik Palm, site plant Seyfert, Reichen- bach an der Fils, and D&W Flexo-Manufaktur GmbH & Co. KG, Osterwieck, Germany (Joint Entry) • Rotoplast d.o.o., Hungary • Z Due, Italy .
Flexo Innovation (Cont’d from Page 5)
BestBrightHalfHOUSE.qxp_Layout 1 9/12/18 4:26 PM Page 1 Printed inside the box, the image created an en- hanced ‘unboxing’ experience for consumers in a highly efficient manner — the post-print cost 30 per- cent less than lith , and flexo post-print also signifi- cantly reduces lead time for re-orders. Victory Graphics & Caps Cases, United King- dom (Joint Entry) Produced for luxury fashion brand The Rake,Victory and Caps used a single FLEXCEL NX Plate to create the photographic-quality image with its challenging mix of highlights and dark shadows. with printer and brand to establish how best to im- prove colors or textures, including the choice of var- nish. Using Flexcel NX Plates, results were achieved at 150 lpi and a production speed of 130 tubes per minute. Tadam & Gruppo Sada spa, Italy (Joint Entry) Tadam’s customer Sada proposed converting from offset to flexo to streamline the production workflow, and as a result shortened the production time from 20 working days to six hours.The job was printed using FLEXCEL NXC Plates and DIGICAP NX Advanced Pat- terning, achieving a minimum dot hold of 1 percent.
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Flexo Market News October 11, 2021 7
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