King's Business - 1916 -11



o f the Bible. The Holy Spirit also enabled these men o f God to select from the great mass o f material'at the writer’s hand just the ,material to be used under the given circumstance. This is the inspiration of selection. This material may have been gathered from facts specially revealed to these men by God, or from facts already known to others. They were led to so dispose of, and use them as to be able to truthfully say, “ God hath revealed them I T IS wifh sincerest regret that we announce the death o f an ideal Chris­ tian gentleman, E. A. K. Hackett, at Ft. Wayne, Ind., August 28, 1916, who for the past seven years has been on the Board of Directors o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. Although Mr. Hackett’s home was in Ft. Wayne, where he was sole owner o f tjie Daily Sentinel, he has spent part o f each year in Los Angeles, for many years past, having established a home in the exclusive residence section on Alvarado Terrace. Beside his active interest in the Bible Insti­ tute, he was a director o f the Union Rescue Mission, and a member o f the Committee o f Management o f the Y. M. C. A. Quiet, dignified and sincere, he quickly endeared himself to every agency in Los Angeles for the uplift o f his fellowmen. His activities were in many directions, commanding not only his,means but his personal services as well. Several years ago he made it his special personal work to visit the jails, where he did everything in his power to encourage unfortunate men, so completely effac­ ing himself in his effort to help them that probably very few o f them knew him by name. Hundreds o f frail men in this city and scattered throughout Southern California and the entire country, will for the first time know o f him as E. A. K. Hackett by seeing his picture in the

unto us by his Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:10). There is no doubt but that the Spirit also co-operated with the natural faculties of these men o f God, building, enlightening and controlling them, the result o f this co-operation being the different books which in their combination constitute the Bible and which have been moulded into unity by the power, inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit.


public prints. They will rememher him as the soft-voiced, modest, kindly gentleman who spoke to them words o f cheer and encouragement to save them from them­ selves. From a vest pocket they will take a little mirror, remembering that he gave it to them as they left the city jail in the early morning, after a night’s debauch. On the reverse side they will look at the bright picture o f the Saviour standing in the midst o f the people, and will again read the inscription: “ Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden. I will give you rest.” Mr. Hackett had these mirrors manufactured for this special work and gave away many hundreds o f thfeih in this way. Among his most' notable benevolences was the establishing o f the Hackett Medical College in Canton, China. He endowed the college and placed it in charge ' o f his daughter, Dr. Martha Hackett, who is still there. His religious activities in the East included every denomination and every worthy charity. He was one o f the foun­ ders o f the Winona Assembly at Winona Lake, Ind., where he had his summer home, and it was there he was stricken with the illness that caused his death, following removal to Ft. Wayne. Beside his widow, he also leaves another daughter and two sons in Ft. Wayne, and a daughter, Mrs. John Cherry Johnson, in Los Angeles. He was 65 years o f age.

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