King's Business - 1916 -11



blessing we can or do enjoy, and, in par­ ticular, o f our pardon and acceptance with God, o f our full and free justification. But by what means do we become interested in what Christ has done and suffered? ’ ‘Not by Works, lest any man should boast, but by faith alone.’ ‘W e conclude,’ says the apostle, ‘that a man is justified by faith without the deeds o f the law.’ And ‘to as many as receive Christ he gives power to become sons' o f G od; even to them which b.elieye in his name, who are born not of the will o f man but o f God.’ “ Except” a man be thus born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. But all who are thus born o f the Spirit have the kingdom o f God within them. Christ sets up His kingdom in their hearts—right­ eousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, That mind is in them which was in Christ Jesus, enabling them to walk as Christ walked. His indwelling Spirit makes them holy in mind, and holy in all manner of conversation. But still, seeing all this is a

free gift through the blood and righteous­ ness o f Christ, there is eternally the same reason to remember^—he thaï glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. “You are not ignorant that these, are the fundamental doctrines which Mr. White- field. everywhere insisted on ; and-may they not be summed up, as it were, in two words—‘the new birth, and justification by faith ?’ These let us insist upon with all boldness, and at all times, in all' places, in public and in private. Let Us keep close to these good old-unfashionable doctrines, how many soever contradict and blas­ pheme.” Such were the words o f the Arminian, John Wesley. I make no comment on them. I only say, before any one despises this great man because he was an Arminian, let him take care that he really knows what Wesley’s opinions were. Above all, let him take care that he thoroughly under­ stands what kind o f doctrines he used to preach in England a hundred years ago.

REV. FRANK A. KELLAR Who has gone to China under auspices of the Bible Institute

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