King's Business - 1916 -11



would not Have been everywhere invited to preach for them if they had not believed as he did. APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS O f the “Apostolical Constitutions” (A. D. 250) Elder'Andrews, Adventist, says: “The so-called ‘Apostolical Constitutions’ were not the work o f the apostles, but they were in existence as early as the third cen­ tury, and were then very generally believed to express the doGtrine o f the apostles. They do therefore furnish important historical testimony to the practice o f the Church at that time. Mosheim, in his ‘Historical Commentaries,’ Cent. 1, section 51, speaks thus .of these ‘constitutions:’ ‘The matter o f this work is unquestionably ancient; since the manners and discipline o f which it exhibits a view are those which pre­ vailed among the Christians o f the second and third centuries, especially those resi­ dent in Greece and the oriental regions,” Notice again that this work was the product o f the Eastern Church and hence shows the

custom o f the Church in the East instead o f that at Rome. These, then, will be good witnesses to the practice o f the Church about A. D. 250. In section 7, paragraph 59, we read: “And on the day o f our Lord’s resurrection, which is the Lord’s Day, meet more dili­ gently, sending p raise to God that made the universe by Jesus and sent’ Him to us.” “ Otherwise what apology will He make to God who does not assemble on that day to hear the saving word concerning the resur­ rection.” In Book VII, section 2, paragraph 30, he says: “On the day o f the resurrec­ tion o f the Lord, that is, the Lord’s Day, assemble yourselves together, without fail, giving thanks to God,” etc. In the same paragraph, in speaking o f the resurrection o f Christ, the writer says: “ On which | account we solemnly assemble to celebrate the feast o f the resurrection on the Lord’s Day,” etc. These testimonies are decisive, and do show beyond a doubt that the Christians o f those early days used the Lord’s Day just as it is used now for religious worship.

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Should Christians observe the 7 th day as Sabbath or the first day or Sunday? I suppose that the one who asked this question means by “the 7th day” the “7th day of the week.’’ There is no command­ ment in the Ten Commandments to “ observe the seventh day of the week.” The words “O f the week,” are man’s addition to what God said. What God really com­ manded was, that a day o f rest should be hallowed after six days o f labor, but He does not specify in the letter o f the law

what day o f the week it should be -(Ex. 20:9, 10 ). However, the Israelites did observe the seventh day o f the week as their “ Sabbath,” in commemoration o f the closing o f the old creation, and also of their National Deliverance (Deut. 5:15). This distinctively Jewish Sabbath was done away in Christ (in His death and resur­ rection.) (Col. 2:16). A Christian there­ fore should not permit himself to be brought under the authority o f the Jewish Seventh Day o f the Week Sabbath, any

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