King's Business - 1916 -11



For worldliness and the spirit o f compro­ mise in the Church. For the desecration o f the Lord’s Day, the neglect of the Sanc­ tuary, the contempt o f God’s Word, and the decay of Family piety. Scripture Read­ ings: Psalm 103:1-5; Romans 8:31-39; Psalm 51; Revelation 3:14-32. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 — THE CHURCH UNI VERSA U - t THE “ ONE BODY” OF WH ICH CHRIST IS THE HEAD. Penitence —For the failure o f 'thè Church to bear such faithful and united witness as .would make its influence more deeply felt among professedly Christian nations. Prayer —For such a realization of the presence and power o f the Holy Spirit as may lead to revival. For the purifica­ tion o f the Church in every community throughout the world. For the growth o f a spirit o f unity amid diversity o f operations. For the love that embraces all mankind. Scripture Readings: Isaiah ‘54:2-5; John 20 :19-23; Acts 2:1-4; 1 Cor. 12:4-7.) WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 3 — NA ­ TIONS AND THE IR RULERS. Prayer —For the world-wide recognition o f the supreme law o f love. For the development of brotherhood among the nations. That the growing spirit of nationalism may be guided by Christian ideals. That righteous­ ness, mutual consideration, and forbear­ ance may prevail, and lasting peace be established. That men o f integrity, full o f faith and o f the Holy Ghost may rule the nations. Scripture Readings: Psalm 24; Psalm 101; 1 Timothy 2 :1-8; 1 Peter 2:13-25. THURSDAY , JANUARY 4—M IS­ SIONS AMONG MOSLEMS AND THE HEATHEN . Prayer —That the Church may give the Gospel in its fulness to the human race. That evangelical doctrine may not be surrendered by missionaries in order to compromise with false teaching and sys­ tems. That a tactful, faithful, and fearless presentation o f Christ may be made to Moslems.. That wisdom may be given in dealing with mass movements in India, racial problems in Africa, and tendencies toward materialism in China and Japan. Scripture Readings: Psalm 2; Luke 4:40- 44; Romans 1,6:25-27. FRIDAY , JANUARY 5—FAMILIES, SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND THE YOUNG. Prayer —That family altars may be multiplied, and parents be influenced to pray with their children as well as for them. That true Religion may have first place in all education. That teachers may be able to instruct with knowledge, moral force, and spiritual power. That young people

may be led to, Christ and experience “the joy o f salvation” through full consecra­ tion. That the movement in colleges and schools may be further widened and deep­ ened. Scripture Readings: 1 Kings 3:5-15; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Matthew 19:13-15. SATURDAY , JANUARY 6 —M IS­ SIONS AT THE HOME BASE AND AMONG THE JEWS. Prayer—That Christians may no longer remain uncon­ cerned while sin is working death among their neighbors. That an “atmosphere” may be created that will make men ashamed o f intemperance and lust, o f gambling and selfishness, o f luxury and pride. That Min­ isters and lay workers may be more intent on individual conversion. That Christians may remember their debt to the Jews, and for Christ’s sake seek to help them into the Light. Scripture Readings: Psalm 2; Luke 10:25-37; Romans 11:13-24. Rev. Charles E. Hurlburt, head o f the A frica Inland Mission at Kijabe, British East Africa, is now in Los Angeles on a visit to his family, after four years o f separation. Mrs. Hurlburt, who spent five years at Kijabe, came back home six years ago with her husband and children. Four years ago Mr. Hurlburt returned" to Africa, accompanied by his daughter, Alta, who has now come home with him on furlough. The Bible Institute o f Los .Angeles has a number o f representatives among the mis­ sionaries at Kijabe, and their friends here are delighted to have direct word from them. Rev. and Mrs . : Frank A. Kellar have gone to China to take up their wotk as river evangelists under the auspices o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. They are accompanied by the aged mother o f Mr. Kellar. Before their departure, they were guests o f honor at a reception tendered them by Supt. Horton, which was followed by an enlightening illustrated lecture on China by Mr. Kellar. — ----- 0 —------ Back from Africa ----------O ---------- Off to China

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