King's Business - 1916 -11


T T must be over two years now that we A have been speaking to one old man who has been regularly encountered on our way to the shop meetings. He was always per­ fectly willing to have us talk to him but there was never any response, other than one o f those dull, heavy, leaden expres­ sions. Nothing seemed to stick or to arouse him from his lethargy. Was it any wonder that we began to question if it was not a hopeless task and leave he poor old fel­ low to his fate? But nothing can be hope­ less when we reckon with God, and while we are clamoring and crying, “ hurry, Father,” He is constantly saying, “Wait, child.” In God’s due time we shall reap if .we faint not. So we just kept everlast­ ingly at it. On ojir return home one day we learned that the old man had lost his boy. This sorrow drove him to church, where one o f our Institute boys was preach­ ing. When the invitation was given his hand went up, and after a little while the dear old wife’s hand went up also. That upward hand was the outward expression o f the inward yielding, and everything else after that was comparatively easy. “Why, people look so different to me now ; the world and everything,” he says. He prays and testifies in meeting and keeps the prec­ ious Old Book right by his side on his work bench. When I met him today his face was shining as he said, “It isn’t, ‘I’m hoping to be saved some day,’ or ‘maybe so,’ but ‘I know !’ ” In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand, for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” One o f the young women from the laun­ dry meeting came up saying she wanted to

be a Christian. The way was made plain and a card to the Lyceum Club presented. W e had prayer about her ,1 and the follow­ ing week she came and sat right in front o f the speaker, drinking in the life-giving Word. “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” In that selfsame laundry another bright young woman yielded her heart to the Lord Jesus. Her anguish o f soul was so deep, one was reminded o f the good revival days o f long ago when strong men 1 and women were completely broken down by the mighty convicting power o f the Holy Spirit, and in deep, heartfelt repentance cried and sobbed out for mercy and forgiveness. Those were the 'kind o f conversions which stood the test, however severe the fiery trial. God to see more o f them in these sad days. One man told us that he was so startled by the indifference o f the men when we first came to hold meetings where he worked, that it set him to thinking seriously. This led to a visit to the Institute 5 then to seek an interview with the Superintendent, and finally an introduction to the,Fisher­ men’s Club. W e pray he may he strength­ ened and enabled to bear a bright testimony among his indifferent associates. The following ‘story o f a single tract proves that “little is much when God is in it.” Almost six months ago we handed a tract on the way o f life to one o f the Car­ men, who passed it on to his wife, and she, in turn, to one newly born into the King­ dom, who forthwith purchased 200 copies and distributed them among friends and acquaintances' in the large corporation for which he was working. Can any one begin to estimate what the returns from this sin-

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